Perfect Ice Manor (QueenVanessa&HeadlessStatue)

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Hello! This OneShot was requested by LeannieRichards make sure to go and check them out!
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Thank you and I hope you enjoy!

(Third POV)

"What does the perfect ice palace look like? One fit for a Queen!" Queen Vanessa thought to herself as she used her ice magic to make herself a perfect manor made from ice.

Her ice is all she has, ever since she found her sweet Prince holding hands with a simple florist. She flipped out, they had a argument and in rage she send him to the dungeon forever so he would be all for her.

He screamed and cried. He begged for her forgiveness and claimed he didn't know what she was talking about. She didn't care. Her heart was broken that was all she could think of.

She didn't see anything wrong with it, and still doesn't see anything wrong with her actions. Although, about a month ago, her sweet Prince died down there. She found him hanging there, lifeless, not breathing, dead.

She turned the corpse to ice and started to build her perfect ice manor. Vanessa had lured some of her loyal subjects and made them ice statutes so she has some part her life before it all went to hell.

But not only she had used her subjects, she also found some things that reminded her of her Prince. For example, she kept his crown and his dairy that kept all the random doodles and the lil messages he would write to himself about his Queen.

But as she soon realized, she needed a guard for her ice manor. As all of her normal guards fled when they realized just how deranged she was.

Vanessa breathed out loud and thought what could possibly be her guard. She looked around her manor for any ideas. She walked down the long hallway trying to think of anything.

The Dewllers that roamed the area? No, to harmless. The spiders? No, no, not that either. Those odd fire spirts? No! No! No! All they want to do is die! Why isn't anything working?! What about the—

That's when it hit her. The florist. That damn florist. She hadn't got a chance to catch her revenge on her. Vanessa could feel her anger raising. She clenched her fists tight and ice shards started forming in her palms.

"Her! She'll be perfect!" Vanessa said out loud.

She laughed loudly as she exited her manor and started in her journey. She walked through the village looking for the red head. All of the homes were abandoned and ruined.

All of the subjects had fled. Where? She didn't exactly know, but she didn't care. Vanessa still looked in all the houses. Maybe she could be here? Who knows? No harm it did anyone to looking.

As she searched more and more the sour scent of flowers came in her nose. So sour was the scent, so bitter, tart, and salty. How Vanessa dreaded it. It was wretched. But it meant she was a step closer to her goal.

As she followed the scent her heart raced and raced in anticipation for the thrill of what would be to come. She sprinted for a little bit until she spotted her.

Vanessa vein's filled with a adrenaline rush. The florist had seemed to be just walking around, lost, trying to find a way out of the hell hole. She smiled, a wicked smiled.

Vanessa looked around. A way to kill her. A brutal way to kill her, actually. Vanessa want the florist to suffer for her crimes. She spotted an axe. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Her smile only grew more insane as she picked it up.

Vanessa then darted for the florist. The florist heard her footsteps and turned around. She turned around just in time just to see Queen Vanessa came at her with a axe then it all went black.

The axe made a loud *shiv* sound as it made contact with the florist's neck. The sound of flesh being ripped apart and bone cracking made Vanessa enjoy this all the better. The florist's head went flying off in a trail of blood. She didn't bother looking at the head. She didn't want to look her face.

The body promptly fell to the ground. Vanessa dropped the axe and it made a *clank* sound as it made contact with brick floor. Using her ice magic, she brought the body back to life, except now it no longer depended on blood and oxygen. Only Ice.

Vanessa complemented herself on her creation and gestured for it to follow her. It obeyed with no hesitation and followed Vanessa back to her manor.

As they walked Vanessa cackled, "that's all you are after all. A headless statue. You're disgusting and make it show to anyone who dare come nears my beacon of a perfect ice manor!"

The headless statute did nothing but continued to follow her creator.

Present Day

As Hat Kid walked around the outskirts of Vanessa's manor to try and find way in, she spotted a headless statue. Didn't bother her as much. Wasn't the scariest thing she had seen on her journey.

But then it started chasing her! Hat Kid screamed out loud, equipped her Sprint Hat and began running. She darted in the direction she was going, and hoping to lose the statue out of her sight.

Eventually it did leave her sight. She was out of breath and had to take a break from running. When she started this contract, Snatcher didn't warn her about any headless ice statues chasing her!

Maybe she should ask him when she's completed this contract. She jumped in basement, hoping to never have something headless run after her again!

I hope LeannieRichards enjoyed this as much I enjoyed writing it. Sorry if I changed anything and I apologize this is shorter than my other stories. Still hope you liked it! Thank you!

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