Chapter 22

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Happy birthday Tee Jaruji! :D


Tee thought about the time in the past that he cherished so much and how everything changed. Whenever uncle Nate would come over to their place, he would play volleyball with Tee and his sister.

Tee recalled how uncle Nate and his mom, both the siblings were happy by nature, loved playing volleyball and joking with each other. But all went down the hill almost two years ago when uncle Nate brought his boyfriend home to meet the family and he announced that he was going to get married to him overseas.

Tee's mom went through all sorts of emotions and everything turned ugly, not only between the two siblings but also within the whole family. Tee and his sister, Kiera were too shocked to see the whole incident play out. There was no time to take sides or grab a moment to absorb what just happened. And for this Tee and Kiera both felt guilty and upset even till this date - they should have supported their uncle then so he would not have left so hurt and cut off all contacts with them.

Since then, Tee's mom changed a lot. She hardly smiled. Moreover, she didn't even want to see volleyball, let alone play it as it reminded her of Nate. The atmosphere at their house was terrible and nobody got along well because of all negative feelings - anger, grief, guilt and indifference.

Tee left playing volleyball because it reminded him of his uncle and it brought him guilt and sadness. Guilt for not being able to do anything for his uncle when he left.

Tee was in no mood to enjoy his holidays after thinking through all these past memories. But soon his parents arrived and he had to act agreeable in front of them. His sister was going to come the next day and stay for two days and that's how long even Tee wanted to stay there. Anyway, he had made plans with Godt and Copter.

At night, Godt, Copter and Tee have a conference call and decide to go to Bas's hometown. It was a beautiful town which was not known to many tourists and thus its hills and lakes were pretty and pristine. It would be a good place to unwind and have some fun with friends.

After finishing the call, Tee felt like talking to Tae who he had grown much closer since the past few weeks and he wanted to meet him during this trip. He missed him. But there was still no way to talk to him as no phones were allowed at that stupid training program.

The next day after breakfast, Kiera arrives and greets her cute, little brother and her parents. The siblings catch up with each other and by the end of the day, the conversation moves to Tee's school activities and studies and stuff.

Kiera, "Tee, why haven't you joined back the volleyball team yet? It was okay that you were upset that time when you left playing volleyball. But you can't keep ignoring your talents and what you love doing. It's time for you to start playing again."

Tee gives an unsure smile and replies, "I don't know. Maybe the team does not need me anymore. I don't know if I would still be able to play as well and.... enjoy playing volleyball as much as I used to earlier."

Kiera pats Tee's head and says, "You'll know all that only once you give it a try. I know you will be as good a player as in the past and even better as you keep playing."

Tee smiles after so many hours of bad and sad mood.

Tee hugs his sister, "You really are the best. I can always count on you to make me smile and be my support."

Kiera says,"Of course, I am the best. I also noticed that you kept glancing at your phone every now and then while having lunch. Missing someone?"

Upon hearing "missing someone", the first name that comes to Tee's mind is Tae, for some reason.

Tee avoids answering, "Naah.. it was just Godt and Copter..."

Kiera with a wicked glint in her eyes, "Seeing someone?"

Tee vehemently refuses, "No.. no... just messaging Godt and Cop.. I'm meeting them day after tomorrow."

Kiera, "So what was all that sighing for? It seemed like you really wanted to talk to someone but couldn't."

Tee, "Really? Nooo.. you are overthinking everything, sis."

Kiera smiles and says, "Okay, go to sleep now. Don't stare at your phone."

Soon it is time for Kiera to go back and for Tee to go on the trip with his best friends. 

Kiera bids everyone goodbye and Tee too leaves home and gets on the bus to meet Godt and Copter.

Bas comes to pick them up as soon as they reach the town. Bas insists that they stay at his parents' place as it has more than enough room for everyone and it is convenient for their travels in and around the town.

Bas plays the perfect host as they visit all the amazing and beautiful places. Everyone has great time. But every now and then Bas mentions Kim and how both of them had visited these places when younger. 

"It would have been so much fun for all of us to travel together again." Everyone had the same thought while having dinner at a small cafe by the lake.

Copter asked Bas some more details about the trips he had with Kimmon while Tee wondered about Tae and what he might be doing, where he might be.

Just then Bas exclaimed loudly, "Kiiiiiim!"

Everyone's attention was drawn to where Bas was calling out. It really was Kimmon with a junior player. Tee looked around but there was no Tae.

Kim gives a bright smile to everyone as he jogs over to them. 

Bas, "How come you are here? You didn't tell me!"

Kim sulks and says, "I told you that we were just whisked away by our coach. No phones, no communication. Even today, I have come out only because some of the food and beverages needed to be bought. I am so sick of this training. Only P'Tae can endure such spartan training. I want to have some fun during these holidays but ..."

The junior player runs over and asks Kimmon to quickly leave otherwise the coach would be upset. 

Kimmon says, "See... the coach keeps such tight rein on the time away from the training. I feel like I am in a prison."

Copter asks him in a low tone, "Do you want to join us in our trip?"

Kim smiles and says, "P', don't tempt me. I will really leave this and come..."

The junior nudges Kim. So Kim glares at him and grudgingly says bye to everyone. Before he leaves, Tee calls to Kim and says, "Say hi to Tae for me."

Kim nods in a hurry and leaves.

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