Chapter 23

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 At the tennis training camp,

Tae had a very serious face while playing the nth tennis game with his teammates and a selected talented tennis players from other schools. Tae was performing extremely well throughout the training. Everyone was in awe of him - his helpful nature, amazing talent and sincere attitude towards the development of his team members was inspiring. Even the coach was super happy with his performance both as the captain of the team and as the best tennis player of the team. 

Kimmon sitting on one side of the court after playing a round of game with Tae, was thinking hard on how his senior could endure this harsh training without any complaints! There was only a serious expression on his face and a few times during the training, a trace of anger and aggression could be seen in his play. But except for this, he never showed any difference in his attitude.

When Tae came over to sit beside Kimmon to grab a bottle of water, Kim couldn't resist but ask him.

"P', don't you feel frustrated with this training? Don't you miss your family or friends back home?"

P'Tae replied no. Kim gets surprised and wonders if this guy has a heart or he is as heartless as he is expressionless.

Kim still perseveres and asks, "Don't you miss anyone, P'?"

Tae smirks and nods ever so slightly that it becomes difficult for Kim to figure out if he was mocking him or he really said yes to missing someone! But before he could ask any more, Tae walks away from there.

As there was a break in the training, a few teammates sitting by Kimmon surrounded him, "P'Kimmon, most of us are missing our family or friends while on this training. Why don't you ask our coach to leave us one day early?"

Kimmon said, "Are you guys crazy? How can I ask him that when I'm only the vice-captain? P'Tae is so serious about this whole training thing :| If I even say one word about us leaving early, P'Tae would scold me so bad... (Then Kim thinks about seeing Bas and P'Cop today and he changes his mind) But... I think I can still ask."

Tae stops at the front yard where there was noone else. He takes out his phone and stands staring at a photo with such a gentle smile on his face. The coach who just comes out to the front yard looks at this gentle expression on Tae's face. He then gets surprised to look at what his serious student does next.

Tae kisses the photo on his phone after which he grips his phone hard. The coach moves in closer as he gets curious to see Tae behaving like this. 

"Who is the person who has captured my best student's heart?"

Tae looks at Tee's photo on his phone and speaks in a low growl, "I miss you so much, do you know? I can't even call you all this while. I want to see you.... hear your voice.... hold you. But I can't... I am so angry and frustrated now, I could punch someone.."

The coach feels a bit touched and sad for Tae as he performed so well throughout the training.

"Does he really feel so angry at me for keeping him away from his girlfriend?"

The coach thinks he should pacify Tae's bad mood by telling him wise words. Anyway, tomorrow would be the last day of the training and they would directly be going back to their school dorms in the evening. He should remind this to Tae so he can feel slightly better so he approaches Tae and calls him out. Tae still has a fierce and frustrated expression so when he looks at the coach, the coach gets so shocked to see such a terrible expression directed at him that he feels like he will really get punched by Tae.  He really gets scared looking at the fierce expression on Tae. 

Kimmon comes running to the front yard, while searching for the coach. He quickly asks the question before his courage leaves him. 

"Coach, can we leave one day early? We all miss our friends a lot."

The coach looks at Kimmon and without any hesitation says, "Yes, yes, yes. Of course. Let's all go meet our loved ones." And saying that he looks at Tae and gives him a thumbs up. Tae has his serious expression back and directly says, "Okay. Kim, inform everyone that we are leaving in half an hour."

Kim is so shocked to hear not only the coach but Tae also agreeing to leaving early that he finds it difficult to believe.

"Leave? In half? Half an hour? Did I hear this correctly?"

The coach pulls Kim's ear and says, "Can you hear properly now?"

Kim shouts, "Ow, ow... yes, I can."

Kim quickly hugs the coach and thanks him and runs away from there to inform everyone to get ready to leave early. The coach smiles and turns towards Tae as if expecting a hug from him too. Tae just gives a quick nod to the coach and walks away with quick strides.

The coach laughs at himself for even thinking that Tae would hug him like Kim did. And he too walks away to pack up quickly.

While sitting in the bus, Kim sits beside Tae. He suddenly remembers that he didn't tell Tae about meeting their common friends at the cafe last night.

"P'Tae, I met Bas, yesterday night, when I went out to buy stuff at the cafe. P'Cop, P'Godt and P'Tee were also there. (Tae's attention is quickly directed at Kim now.) By the way, P'Tee asked me to tell you hi."

Tae glares at Kim and says, "Why didn't you tell this to me last night itself?"

Kim rubs his head and says, "I forgot, P'. By the way, I am going to meet them at Bas' place, do you want to join?"

Tae instantly agrees and he has a smile on his face for the whole journey. 

Kim looks at Tae's smiling face and feels so curious to ask Tae if he really likes Tee so much? Is Tee the one Tae was missing while at the training camp? 

The coach gives back everyone's phone and the whole bus fills up with everyone's phone calls.

Tae wants to message Tee but he thinks that he should give him a surprise by meeting him face to face. Maybe, just maybe, he can see if Tee had missed him even a fraction of how much he missed Tee...

Kim calls up Bas and asks him his location as he plans to join him where he is. 

Tae tells Kim to ask Bas not to inform the others that they would be joining them. Bas also agrees to give everyone a pleasant surprise.

After the phone call, Bas looks so excited and happy expression that Godt realises that there is something up with his little cutie.

It does not take long for Kim and Tae to reach where Bas, Godt, Cop and Tee were out sight-seeing.

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