Why me?

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Lilith was inconsolable her darling little Charlie had dissapeared. Just.. gone away from this plane of existence. None could find her. The residents at her pet project, the hotel, could not find her. Maggie had been angrily stalking the streets of hell ready to tear into anyone who looked slightly suspicious. Alastor had taken up the search as well but not even he the radio demon could find her. Not with his powers, not with his broadcast and not without either of those. Angel with his many many connections had taken to calling each and every one of his contacts. He threatened them to return their Charlie to them. In all of the chaos there was one person who had no idea what happened. Lucifer had taken up his own retirement plan and just up and left Hell to Lilith. Lilith had been fine with it as her ex-husband hardly did anything anyways. They had drifted apart naturally over the years. Their split had gone smoothly. It hadn't really seemed like it had changed anything. Charlie and Lilith lived in Lucifer's castle still. Lilith ruled hell by Lucifer's side and now on her own. Honestly it was quite fun. Even if Lucifer would always be the rightful monarch. All of this wasn't important right now however. What was important was that Lucifer was up in the living world, god only knows where. With no idea that his little baby doll had dissapeared. Lilith leaned on her arm and stared out the window. How could she possibly contact him.

For inspiration Lilith turned on the television. She watched her favourite channel, the one with all the colourful adds. "With our companies special access to the living world we can..." an imp spoke. Lilith gripped her chair so hard she broke it. This this was the solution. But... she couldn't just send these fools. Sure they were probably competent enough to kill someone. However, Lilith only wanted to send a message. Who to choose... who to.. of course!


Lilith felt elated for the first time this week. Her ex would be able to find Charlie in no time. She just knew it. Lilith heard Alastor's song before he even walked in the room. "Alastor. Come on in." The succubus beckoned him closer. Unfazed by her allure Alastor stepped into the throne room. "You had news?" He smiled widely. "Indeed. The picture show gave me an idea on how to contact Lucifer." Lilith clapped in her hands. "Follow me." She led the way to her limousine. Once inside Lilith explained her idea to Alastor.

"Why me?" He cocked his head and narrowed his eyes slightly. His smile never wavered.

"Because you're the only demon, besides me, who he will listen to." She smiled.

Alastor nodded in understanding. "He also hates me." He pointed out.

"Yes. Try not to get stabbed or blown up." Lilith chuckled as they arrived at their destination.

"As reassuring as ever my queen." Alastor purred. They entered an office building and went to the top. A sign told them they were in a meeting. Lilith completely ignored the sign and walked right in.

Blitzo whipped around to tell her off only to realise who just walked into the room. "Queen Lilith!" His employees quickly jumped in front of the dead body they had in the office. "What a surprise. I'm terribly sorry if we had known you were coming we would have cleaned up a little." Blitzo looked nervously at the bloodstains on the wall.

"Don't worry about it Blitz, we wont be long." Lilith smiled pleasantly.

"We?" Blitzo blinked and paled at the sight of Alastor stepping into his office. "Oh I see." He was pretty sure Moxy had fainted, judging by the dull tud that sounded behind him. "Well uh. What can our company do for you? Some unfinished business in the living world?" Blitzo set up his best sales face.

"Something like that yes." Lilith purred. "You see I want you to send Alastor to the living world."

Blitzo blinked curiously wondering whether or not that was truly a good idea.

"Oh don't worry dear. I'm not going to kill anyone." Alastor wrapped an arm around Blitzo's shoulders. The imp squeaked and pulled away quickly as the radio demon chuckled at his reaction.

"Uhm will we be paid for this?" Blitzo dared to ask.

"Why of course." Lilith set her payment on the table. A bit bag filled with gold. The Imp's eyes popped out of their sockets. "Holy shit."

"Millie get the book." Blitzo ordered. Not ten seconds later they had everything set up. "So where to your highness?" Millie smiled sweetly.

"I want you to open a portal to Los Angeles." Lilith hummed. "Why there?" Moxie blinked curiously. "Because Lucifer is a little shit who likes the irony. He would go there simply for the stupid pun." Lilith sighed. "... fair enough." Moxie and Millie finished the portal.

"Alright. Now Alastor you're up. I can't leave hell behind in fear it will fall apart without me. So you're getting Lucifer and you'll tell him about Charlie's disappearance. I'll disguise you now so you wont be getting odd looks from the humans." Lilith worked her magic. "intrinsecus latet." She hummed softly.

Alastor started to change in front of them. His hair turned brown and his eyes green. His teeth became blunt and his ears relocated to become human once more. He looked like his old human self. His clothes had become a bit more modern, with a suit styled for the 21st century. "This is... very disconcerting." Alastor's smile stayed the same.

"You still have your powers nothing has changed on that front." Lilith smiled. "Now. Hop to it. Find that idiot devil."

Alastor hopped through the portal to appear in an abandoned alleyway in the middle of Los Angeles. Silently he wondered how to find Lucifer now. With a shrug, a smile and a skip in his step he started gathering information. Alastor would better be paid for this.


Chloe was glad she got paid for this. It was a slow day at the office, no case. Only paperwork. And more paperwork... and even more paperwork. She was glad she had told Lucifer he could come in late. If he had been here, he would have been complaining non stop about the piles upon piles of papers.

Chloe smiled when Dan brought her a cup of coffee. "Thank you Dan." She smiled and sipped the life saving beverage. He sat down next to her with another file. "Don't tell me it's more work." She groaned softly.

"Ahm.. no." He looked guilty. "Pierce asked me to look into Lucifer again. I don't know why. But he told me to give him anything I could find." Dan looked away.

Chloe sighed. "Alright. Spit it out. What is it?" She already knew that her partner was sketchy. It was nothing new that he held secrets for her. For them. "Well..." he placed down an old black and white picture. With someone that was clearly Lucifer and another man they didn't recognize. "So? He's got another date? What else is new?" Chloe didn't get what Dan was trying to show her.

He turned the picture over and let her read what was written on the back. In faded pen it said, Samael Magne and Alastor ______. The pen was too faded to read his last name. Underneath that was a date. 1925. "But... that's.." Chloe blinked in surprise. "Impossible?" Dan nodded. "I thought so too."

"Do you think it's him?" Chloe wondered. "Who Luciter?" Dan blinked at her. "No. His father. The man Lucifer calls God." Chloe stared at the picture. "Well they do look a lot alike... but I kind of assumed Lucifer was the adopted one in his family. Since Amenadiel is his big brother?" Dan tapped his chin in thought. They stared in silence at the picture for a while. "You know what I'll ask him when he shows up." Chloe hummed and taped the picture to the wall next to her desk. "Yes. Let me know when he's here?" Dan hummed. Knowing Lucifer he would announce himself regardless.


It had been a day already and nothing. Alastor had asked around in this neighbourhood for an hour and nobody had heard of Lucifer Magne. Sighing softly he moved on to the next neighbourhood. More towards the centre of the city. Alastor realised he was getting nowhere like this. Shrugging slightly he flagged down the hundredth person today. "Say can you tell me where I can find the police station?"

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