I should have seen this coming...

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Ella hugged Lucifer tightly. "It's been too long!" she smiled cheerfully. Lucifer frowned down at her. His hands put up awkwardly. Even after these past three years of knowing the cheerful girl, he still had no idea where to put his hands. "We saw each other this morning!" Lucifer protested. Alastor watched the exchange in amusement. He cleared his throat to catch the attention of the other three humans. "If I may. We have a time sensitive situation on our hands." He purred in pure amusement. Humans were fun, destroying their innocence was even more so.

"Yes please, explain why we're here?" Dan huffed. He was so done with Lucifer's bullshit. "And who are you again?" he crossed his arms defensively as he looked at Alastor. 

"Alastor, pleasure to meet you both." he shook their hands with great enthusiasm. Ella's eyes sparkled. "I love meeting new people. " She hugged Alastor who stiffened. His human disguise flickered at the affectionate gesture. Dan and Chloe paled. "What the hell?" Dan pointed aggressively at the deer demon. Lucifer snorted, "hell is correct." Ella who hadn't noticed a thing pulled back and looked at the others in confusion. "What?"  

"You guys might want to sit down." Lucifer motioned to the couch. Once they had all settled down on the couch Lucifer took a deep breath. "Alright, now I know some of you might be wondering why i've brought you here this fine evening." Lucifer tapped his fingers together. "Stop stalling, king." Alastor's smile widened. Lucifer shot him a glare and ignored him. "Alastor has brought me the terrible news that my daughter Charlie has gone missing. Therefore I would like all of you to help me find my daughter in a covert mission. We can't report her missing for... reasons that I will explain in a moment... Any questions so far?" Lucifer watched Dan and Ella especially.

"Yes. You have a child? ... On second thought. I should have seen that coming." Dan rubbed his eyes. "What's she like?" Ella smiled sweetly. She wasn't very shocked either. With how much Lucifer slept around there were bound to be a couple of tiny Lucifer's walking around. "Charlie is my angel." The rightful king of hell smiled fondly at the thought of his daughter. "Aw. you big softy." Ella chuckled. Alastor gave her a look. He swore this human was made of sweets. It was quite.. terrifying. While at the same time, very exciting.

"So you want us to help find your daughter?" Dan looked sympathetic for once. He could understand how terrified Lucifer must be for his little girl. He didn't know what he would do if something like that happened to Trixie. Lucifer nodded. "Please. But, to really help me. There is something you all must understand." He took a deep breath and exhaled quickly. "I can't do this." he whined. 

Alastor smirked. "I can." he pressed his hand to Lucifer's back. Lucifer's large white wings whipped out of their hiding place. The angel reflex that was located on every angel's lower back made wings do that. Alastor ducked immediately, narrowly avoiding a swing from Lucifer's fist. 

"I did not see that coming..." Dan mumbled softly. All three humans slowly progressed what happened while Lucifer tried to kill Alastor in the background. The radio demon was teleporting around and making the devil smash up his penthouse instead of the object of his fury. 

"He's not crazy." Chloe mumbled. "Fuck... it all makes so much sense now! The things he does, the way he can hypnotize people..."

"He's the devil." Dan was having a very hard time with this. "He's.. " Dan was cut off by Ella. "He's our Lucifer and he needs our help right now." She stood up with a determined expression. "We have known him for a few years now. He has never lied to us about his nature. He told us from the start. We can freak out about everything later. Right now. Lucifer and his daughter need us." she finished her small speech. Lucifer had stopped chasing Alastor around and relaxed. He smiled brightly at Ella. "You don't know how much that means to me." 

"Alright." Chloe pushed of her complicated feelings. She would freak out about this when she was at home. One look at Lucifer's relieved face and she melted however. He might be the devil. but.. maybe the stories where wrong. Or maybe he changed over the years. No, he had changed. She had seen it herself. He had changed so much from the deal making dick she had met before. Who's to say he had not been redeemed. That is if  he had even done anything bad in the first place. History was written by the victors. Chloe relaxed and accepted everything in that one short moment. "I wish you had shown me sooner." She smiled and hit Lucifer's arm lightly.

He smiled sheepishly. "It was never easy." Lucifer chuckled. "At least he tried. You never even told me who you were in the first place." Alastor huffed. "You figured it out anyways." Lucifer shrugged. He didn't see what the big deal was. "Ah yes. I figured it out when a handsome blonde decided to stop my fun." Alastor widened his smile. 

"Anyways." Chloe pulled the attention back to the matter at hand. She had so many questions. But they would all have to wait. "Why tell us now?" Dan huffed. He was tense and on edge. He had never really liked Lucifer. Especially now he realized just how dangerous Lucifer actually was. "My daughter was born in Hell. She has lived there her entire life. It was also the place she was kidnapped from." Lucifer hummed softly.

"Oh.. oh no. No! I do not sign up for this!" Dan shook his head as he realized what this meant. Chloe and Ella stared at him. "You don't want to help Lucifer?" Ella gave him, her betrayed puppy eyes. "I am fine with helping the asshole. But I draw the line at that." Dan protested. Chloe frowned. "Oh. We have to go to hell... don't we?"

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