There is Charlie!

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Lucifer groaned softly. They had been searching the city for a long while now. The three of them were tired and grumpy. Well. Lucifer and Chloe were grumpy. Alastor was cheerful as ever.

John Constantine was not a man easily found. Lucifer felt agitated. John's soul belonged to him already. Why in the name of hell was he so terribly difficult to find.

The trio had a brief run in with the city's vigilante. He demanded to know if they were a danger. Chloe managed to smooth things over while the demon and the devil behind her tried, read failed, to look innocent.

He did give them a helpful tip on where to find John.

Now in present time. The trio was on a good old fashioned stake out. Just the three of them with Burger King burgers, wrappers and hours of waiting. Alastor clearly wasn't one for sitting still and was announcing every tiny detail through his microphone.

Lucifer quickly got enough of the chatter box behind him and threatened Alastor. "Please do shut up."

"Why Lucifer." Chloe gasped. "You're becoming a buzz kill." She chuckled softly as the devil cursed up a storm.

A friendly bound of banter sounded through the car. The detective and the demon teasing the devil until the early morning.

Finally at 5 o'clock dead as my soul hour a haggard looking man dragged himself up the front steps of the apartment complex. He looked like a unicorn spat on him and proceeded to try to eat him. Rainbow coloured blood splatters on his trench coat and white dress shirt. 

The trio scrambled out of the car. "Johnny!" Lucifer's grin was strained. The disappearance of his daughter was starting to get to him.

Constantine glared at them. "Luci. To what do I owe this visit."

"My daughter. Where is she?" He seethed. Lucifer slammed Constantine  into the wall. The devil cut off his air supply. Constantine choked and gagged, unable to answer. "ANSWER ME!" Lucifer screamed.

"Lucifer!" Chloe grabbed his arm. "Please put him down you're choking him." She squeezed his arm gently as a show of comfort.

Lucifer gently let the exorcist..? wizard? Magic bloke, down. "Start talking." Lucifer demanded.

Constantine rubbed his throat and coughed. "I missed you too Honey." His voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Lucifer.. lucifer. Lucifer!" Chloe tried to get his attention as he bickered with the magic man.

"What is it. Detective!" Lucifer eventually turned to her.

"Alastor is gone."

".... Shit!" Lucifer looked around frantically.

"Wait you brought a demon... why didn't you just bring Maze? I like her. She's easy to deal with." Constantine huffed. 

"Just get out of the way!" Lucifer pushed past him into Comstantine's apartment.

Charlie bless her. She was talking animatedly to Alastor as he watched her with a fond smile. Lucifer's posture sagged with relief. He had been so tense, for so long.

Lucifer pulled his daughter into a long hug. "Oh hey dad... this. This is nice." She blinked in surprise and returned the hug. She continued her grand story of where she had been. Lucifer smiled and promised her he would come over to try some Jambalaya. Next time he was in hell.

Constantine did the honors for them and opened a portal. Alastor took Charlie by the hand and escorted her back home.

"Come big guy. We're going home." Chloe smiled and practically carried the satisfied Lucifer to the car.

"I'm.. so relieved... Charlie is back home. Where she belongs."


I'm going to end it here. This story is a mess. I still like it. But I basically just write whatever the fuck I want. I hope I didn't miss any plot points. I just lost interest in Hazbin a little and didn't really want to continue anymore. So I figured I should end the chase. I'm not happy with the ending. But I dont hate it either.

Until the next adventure!

...maybe Vox x Al.. or perhaps some avengers.... choices choices

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