Don't tell me relax
Don't tell me to stop worrying
Don't tell me to calm down
Because it's stupid to worry over something you can't change
Because anxiety is a joke
Because anxiety isn't REAL
Anxiety IS real
Is my panic attack and my fear a joke?
You can never know how these words feel
Why am I anxious ?
Maybe because the person I thought I could tell anything to makes me feel stupid when I do
Maybe because I feel like I will be put down every time I open up
I don't care what people think of me
But when the people that I think of with love shoot me down before I even finish reading the first sentence off the back page of this book I'm living
Now that hurts me
What am I so scared of?
Losing the few people I care for because they think my anxieties are pointless
How can you ask me to explain what it feels like and tell me I'm wrong
How do you explain color to the blind or music to the deaf
You can explain all with all your might but they will never truly understand, truly experience it
The music made of vibrations that hit your ear drums
Color is light reflected through the many cells on your eyes
But how does it sound to the deaf or look to the blind
It doesn't
So don't tell me what I feel is stupid
The only fool is you