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Thorn: does anyone wanna give me cuddles? owo?

Quake: /squeezes Thorn/


Cyclone: /hugs Thorn/ uwu

Blaze: :D /hugs Cyclone/ /pulls Ice in their group hug/

Ice: .....w h y

Solar: /sigh/ /hugs Thorn/

Quake: /pulls Thunder in/

Thunder: /triggered/

Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess,

Is that whatcha want me to do?

Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect,

Like all our loyal classmates do,

Sorry I'm not that perfect,

Just not sweet enough for you,

Is that why you always ignore me,

I must be such an inconvenience to you!

Song: Just Your Problem by Marceline

Anyone watch Adventure Time?



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