Just like the previous two classes, I was more than ready to get out of that classroom. Even though I felt a newfound confidence and knew that I had so much more knowledge and strength than I ever thought, I still hated being in front of people and talking which I did for half the class.
I didn't have a lunch since I had eaten so much for breakfast, so I decided to spend the entire lunch and free hour at the Bookcase. When I was on my way over, I heard that familiar, high-pitched voice.
"Hi Amy-lynn!" I tried to suppress an exasperated sigh and turned around, putting on my best smile. Like I've said before, beggars can't be choosers. And she really wasn't all that bad when I tried to like her. I would still have to get used to that voice.
"Hey Anna-Jess. Where are you headed?"
"Nowhere really. I was just walking around looking for you!" And she gave her genuine, dazzling smile.
"I'm headed to the Bookcase to do some reading"
"Long day, huh? I heard that in Discovery you finally..." And thus the droning began. I was mentally drained from everything that happened. One thought really got to me. I hadn't considered it before, but that also could have been because I was battling for the energy I had with some guy three times my size.
I really started thinking about what my Learning "guidance lecturer" had said about the Tree. It only showed the Vision of the Beyond when something big was about to happen. Did that mean the Academy would be in danger? I wasn't sure, but I was fairly confident that something like Abilities would be kept a secret from most of the world. I mean, who knew what scientists or skeptics or anyone would do to us? I didn't want to think about it.
But the thought really scared me. What was gonna happen? Did it mean something would happen to the normal human world? Or maybe to us both? I realized I was only bringing on anxiety so decided to just think about what book to start reading. My first thought was my favorite book, but I quickly decided that I wanted to try something new.
When we walked in, before I could change my mind I asked Anna Jess what she thought. It still proved to be a very bad idea as she listed about six million books she thought I'd never heard. One of them caught my attention. "The Eeries". It was apparently a book about one of the original people with Abilities. I asked AJ more about it, and this time I actually listened.
"It's how this school came to be, how they found out all about Abilities, and things like that. They knew that everyone saw them as weird and mysterious, so they called themselves the Eeries. The name kind of stuck, and so that's what we were all called." I still wasn't sure if that's what we were instead of humans, or if it was just a new sub-species I suppose.
Once I sat down, I finally re-realized the magnificence of the place I was in. It was so huge, and there were so many books, it was incredible. I really did think I could spend forever in here, just reading. I was only able to read for a few minutes before I had to go around exploring some more. Fifteen minutes just wasn't enough time to spend in a place like this. I felt this goofy smile spread over my face walking through all the columns and columns of books. Just the ladders were enough to make my head spin with vertigo.
Suddenly a strangely colored book caught my eye. It was like what I saw in AJ's eyes, when she was showing me my aura. It was like it was every color, every pattern in the world, but it was still nothing. I knew I had to check out this book, and I knew I had to do it right then. I ran as quickly as I could to the check-out line and practically threw the book down, panting. As soon as the librarian handed it back to me I bolted to a chair to open it up. I knew it was rude, but right then I just didn't care.
As soon as I opened it, I felt a whole new part of me open up. If the book had complete gibberish written all over every single page I would spend all of time trying to read it. I gingerly opened the book, not knowing what to expect. What are you supposed to expect, from a book whose cover is... well, you?
When I looked at the first page, it was one of those mirror-pages. But it didn't show my face, it was my Aura. The same image I saw in AJ's eyes and on the cover of this book. Why was I seeing it everywhere all of the sudden?
That's when I had another Discovery. It wasn't quite like the first one, it was much simpler. I realized that that was my Sight. Seeing the complications and details and intricacies within people. Who they were, what they were like. Their innermost self. I had access to all of that. People would never be able to fool me about themselves- I would already know.
When I remembered back, I realized that what I saw in AJ's eyes were slightly difference than what I saw in the book. Hers was more wild and crazy and ferocious which I found quite odd. That was her aura I supposed. So then when I looked at the book, it must have been mine...
But when I Saw her, I knew it must've been me. I felt it, I just knew it... But then why was it different than what I Saw in the mirror? After a few minutes of trying to figure it out, I gave up and decided I had to talk to my Discovery Guidance lecturer.
I hurriedly found Anna Jess to tell her I had to go. Her nose was in a book so she didn't seem to mind very much.
When I got there I was nearly out of breath because I sprinted the whole way, and let me tell you I have never sprinted so hard in my life. Between breaths I explained to her everything that happened, how I found my Sight and then the whole thing with seeing myself in Anna Jess but it being different than the book. The whole time all she did was smile.
"Let me explain. Each time an Ability is Discovered, it changes you, if just a little bit. What you saw in AJ's eyes was not only her interpretation of you reflected in colors, but also you before you Discovered your first Ability and Learned about this school and us Eeries. When you look into someone's eyes who has an Ability, you see their interpretation of you. That book, however, sees the True Image of your aura. Only those with Sight can see themselves in that book. So once again, you have proven yourself special, Amy-Lynn. You are now One with Many"
Strength and Sight....
I am a One with Many.