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And here's my big, sad announcement.

I'll be going on Hiatus for a number of months, likely ranging from 2-3. I'll miss all of you a lot, and make sure to expect a massive art update (with lots of improvement) when I do return.

Unless I don't ever return, in which case I would be dead.

Personal messages:
(P.s. Please read only your own, it would be very rude to read someone else's)


From the bottom of my heart, I will truly miss you. You were like a parent or older sibling to me when I was feeling very doubtful of a lot of things, and I urge you to continue in that way with others, when I'm gone. I love you.

Make sure to take care of yourself AND others, okay? Keep being your spectacular, encouraging self while I'm away, and promise me that you'll make sure not to burn out.


I'm really sorry we never had that much time to talk. Whether it was my fault (very likely, because I doubt you wanted to avoid me) or not, I apologize deeply.

Make sure to take care of yourself, even if you're doing absolutely wonderful (not feeling bad) anyway. I love you.


I'm really sorry we didn't talk much. When I come back to Wattpad, I'll probably be getting a job, so I'll be able to talk a LOT more. I miss our talks, even if you were really weird by licking me, or making me embarrassed by saying Todoroki's name.

A little update on Ren (my guinea pig that I named after you): he's doing wonderful, and he loves me a lot now. Another update: I'm still doing well in classes (in case, by some random chance, you were wondering), and I only lost one point on my three German Finals (getting 59 out of 60).

Take care and please be patient- I want to hear a lot from you when I get back. Love you <3


I'm really going to miss talking to you during lunch, and I hope you'll miss me too. But I love you more than the grains of rice that have been grown around Japan, the number of African languages that are dying or don't exist anymore, All Might, amount of unwritten stories in my head and unspoken words in my brain, the single fibers from carpet, clothing, blankets, and stuffed animals in my room, and the amount of empty space in the universe.

You'd better take care of yourself for when I come back, or else I'll come to wherever you are and smother you in a big hug until you choke. Seriously, if I come back and you're-
A. Not here
B. Hurt in any way
I'm going to be really REALLY angry.
But I mean that with all of my love. Take care and be happy, okay? I really mean it.

You were the best, truly, and I'll miss you with all of my heart.


I'm really sorry I wasn't able to do you're request. I wish you the best of luck, with finding a way to get your request done, and in life as a whole. I really hope you get the best, and I'm sorry we didn't get to talk as much as I wanted- you seem pretty cool.


I wish you the best of luck with your amazing book, and I'm sorry I never got to the beginning to draw you up some fanart. Maybe I'll get around to it while I'm on hiatus, okie? Take care, and don't overwork yourself. I'll be expecting Amachi and Bakugo to be dating when I come back after some months, though, you got that? (Sorry, just a joke. I know how you can get exhausted, and I know what a stubborn boi my Bakabro can be.)

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