Chapter 102: Combustion Man

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When I woke up that morning, I immediately noticed how sore my arms were

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When I woke up that morning, I immediately noticed how sore my arms were. Who knew trying to learn how to form an air ball would leave you with so many bruises?

I would ask Katara to heal them, but she was looking a bit unraveled.

We were all gathered around the fire, blissfully silent. Katara was anxiously petting Momo.

We hadn't seen Toph yet, but in the distance we heard an earth tent retract back into the earth.

We were leaving today. We were going to be up in the air, miles above the ground, it's not exactly the right place for a fight.

We were all counting on them making up before we left.

Finally Toph came into view and Katara stood up and walked over to her, "Hi, Toph. Um, I wanna—"

Toph held her hand up, "Katara, stop. You don't need to apologize. I was the one being stupid. These scams are out of control, and I'm done with them."

Katara smiled mischievously, "Actually, I wasn't going to apologize. I was gonna say... I wanna pull a scam with you."

I heard Aang and Sokka's mouths physically drop open.

"What? You wanna pull a scam?"

"Not just any scam, The Ultimate Scam. Whaddaya say, Toph? Just me and you. One last go. You in?"

The walked off, hands on each others shoulders, "You know I'm in! Now what's this idea of yours?"

Well that's a pretty big turn of events.

Aang and Sokka fainted.


The plan is simple: Because of Toph's wanted poster, Katara is gonna turn her in and collect the reward. Toph will metalbend out and then we make an escape.

When I finally got the boys upwards and communicating again, Katara and Toph had already left so we had to get moving fast.

We packed up all of our belongings, including a lot of new food and multiple bags of silver pieces.

When Toph breaks out of jail and she and Katara return, we leave the island and continue the journey to the Black Cliffs.


Except it's been quite a long time, way longer than it was supposed to have taken them.

"Do you think this scam of theirs should be taking this long?" Aang asked.

I stood from Appa's side tried to see if they were coming up the hill or not, "They should have been back by now."

Then Sokka stood up and grabbed his sword, "Then we better check it out." He pointed to Hawky and Momo, "You two behave, Appa's in charge."

We made our way down the hill, across the path and into the center of town. It was eerily quiet and abandoned, it set a pit in my stomach.

"Where do you think they might be?" Sokka asked.

Aang looked around, "Where do you think anyone is?"

For a minute all we could hear was the flame spitting from the fists of the Fire Lord statue.

And then the silence suddenly went from quiet to chaotic, "Watch out!" Aang yelled. Sokka and I were pushed to the side and a similar sounding explosion echoed in my ears.

There, standing on a roof and in broad daylight, was Darky Darky Zoom Man. He was very tall, very big, very scary looking, his signature eye tattoo was glistening red in the sunlight, and he was inhaling again.

The explosion missed us because Aang pulled us all behind the statue.

"It's Sparky-sparky-boom-man!" Aang said.

"You know, I'm starting to think that name doesn't quite fit..."

Sparky-sparky-boom-man leapt from one roof to another and now had direct eye contact with me.

"Look out!"

I grabbed Sokka and rolled around to the other side of the statue and Aang followed suit.

Sparky-sparky-boom-man only jumped down to the ground and started heading for us. We got up and started running through the houses.

We leapt behind one of the houses and the explosions stopped for a minute.

"This guy is too good! He shoots fire from his brain!" Sokka pointed to his forehead.

"We should split up, he can't chase us all," Aang said.

We nodded and went our separate ways, Aang forwards, Sokka right and I left.

Hopefully Katara and Toph will show up soon so we can get out of here.

In hindsight, we should've known that he would follow Aang.

Sokka and I met up again and almost watched Aang get killed before a shard of ice encapsulated Sparky's head.

Thank the spirits for Katara.

Sparky swayed out of the way, trying to get the ice off his head, and the Team met up around Aang.

"Aang, get up," I grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet.

"Let's get out of here," Toph said and began running in the direction of Appa.

We ran after her, narrowly missing the explosions happening behind us.

"Hey, I got it! The perfect name for that guy! Combustion Man!" Sokka said.

"Good job, Sokka. Now let's get out of here before Combustion Man catches us," Toph replied to him.

"See it fits so well."

We piled onto Appa and left for our next island.

And hopefully this new island would be void of any danger.


See you next on Christmas :)

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