In a hierarchical society, power determines everything. Those with great strength towered above all while the weak are inevitably forced to live under their rule.
Meet Y/N.
She had been blessed by something others would give their mind and soul just...
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🌄 Chapter 37 🌄
SOMEWHERE IN LEWES, a random low-tier town, Remi stood impatiently against the alley wall waiting for the supposed source of ability modifying drugs to arrive. By now it had been almost over a week since Y/N was last seen anywhere. As her roommate, Remi was seriously concerned for her wellbeing. Where could she have possibly disappeared to without any of her belongings?
All she could do was believe (and hope) that Y/N was able to take care of herself. Remi left multiple messages for Y/N, but there was no reply from any, which makes sense since she had no idea Y/N's phone was broken.
Currently, Remi, Isen, and Blyke had decided to go on another mission in order to gain more attention to alert EMBER. Just in case, the she had left a note in the dorm on their location if Y/N came back.
The pinkette successfully defeated the person terrorizing the town, and forced them to call their supplier. She was dead set on finding out how all these people were amplifying their ability so greatly. It would bring them one step closer to finding EMBER, or more importantly who killed her brother.
Finally, a woman dressed in all black, including a black sun hat and mask, approached the alleyway, 'suspicious' written all over her.
"Volcan!" The lady terrorizing the town called in relief. "I was afraid you weren't going to show!
Not returning the enthusiasm, the woman named "Volcan" shifted her gaze to Remi's tense figure. "Alana, who is this young lady?"
"Oh, her?" Alana smirked confidently. "Just a friend....a high-tier to be exact. She's interested in the stuff you're selling."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, but it just so happens that she forgot her money today...I don't want to have called you out here for nothing, so maybe you should just hand over the vial anyways...what do you say?" It was clear Alana was trying to signal Volcan that Remi was clearly an outsider who didn't actually want to buy anything.
However, nothing would prepare her for what happened next.
"I see," The mysterious blonde woman pressed her lips in a thin line before musing, "How disappointing."
In a split second, a fiery fist plunged its way into Alana's stomach, killing her in an instant. Unaffected by her monstrous behavior, Volcan merely said, "Greedy pig. I have no use for someone like you."
Remi went straight to defense mode the moment Alana's body fell limp to the concrete floor. She analyzed her opponent through her teary eyes and shaking body. S-sharp claws...flames..just like-