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@livbailey I had the best day, you guys are amazing! Tagged : @taveeta @tomholland2013 @jordanclark @trevorflanny @briarnolet @myleserlick @hazosterfield @lamarjohnson @b_raymond

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@livbailey I had the best day, you guys are amazing!
Tagged : @taveeta @tomholland2013 @jordanclark @trevorflanny @briarnolet @myleserlick @hazosterfield @lamarjohnson @b_raymond

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@taveeta so cool to meet you! so excited to dance with you more!!!

@jordanclark having another girl on the team is great! can't wait for this season

@trevorflanny so dope to have another dancer to complete our crazy awesome team 👊

@myleserlick you're amazing!

@briarnolet So exciting! We have to do a duet at some point ah!

@hazosterfield @tomholland2013 thought you'd be first to comment... where you at?

@b_raymond 5 boys, 5 girls. perfectly balanced!

@lamarjohnson hell yeah!

@tomholland2013 you're incredible, can't wait to dance with you again.
- @livbailey you're insanely talented. we need to dance together again soon!
- @taveeta again???? woah woah woah! @tomholland2013 you danced with her without us???
- @tomholland2013 @taveeta 🙃


Olivia lay in bed, thinking about the day She'd  had. Everyone was so nice to her and they were so talented that she felt slightly intimidated. Her mind was spinning with insecurity, was she good enough to be there? Would she let them down?

She never felt this much love at her old studio, despite the 16 years she'd spent there. Everyone only cared about being the best, so everything was a competition. All her so-called friends stopped talking to her when she became the dance captain, they hated that the director thought Olivia was the best.

She was so isolated and lonely back then, as all her friends she'd made at school had moved away after they graduated. She wished she had too.

Olivia thought about the group of people she'd met that day. To her, Taveeta was definitely best friend material: sweet, funny and super confident. Olivia felt that she was a perfect contrast to her shy self.

Then there was Jordan - really funny, so talented and scarily flexible.

Brittany was quiet but super sweet.

Briar was very energetic and confident, but really nice and fun. Her and Taveeta together was a lot but extremely entertaining.

She didn't talk to Lamar, Trevor, Harrison and Myles as much but they seemed cool, they spent most of the time flipping and laughing.

And then there was Tom. He was pretty quiet most of the day, but when she spoke to him alone, he was so sweet, charming and funny. Not to mention his insane talent.

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