Chapter 4

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The elevator opened and to my shock its........

"Adonis!!"  he looked straight at me and just walked pass.

"Hey!!" I shouted but he ignored me and kept walking. 

"uh Miss? are you going to get on or what?" said the other guy in the elevator.

I hurridly pushed the cart in and apologized.

Now what is Adonis doing here?! Is he stalking me?! It's not that I'm mad, wait maybe I'am but it's so creepy. First he's my neighbour who moved in yesterday and now he's at my work?! Im getting very frustrated.

I went straight to the kitchen and dropped off all the dishes that Mr. Mcclain used and gone to the front desk. I immediatly saw Carla waving at me with a big smile.

"Omg Vee! this hot guy just.."

I interrupted Carla "Have you seen a brown haired guy with brown/gray eyes........" 

"masculine body? about 5'7?" I was surpriced she completed my question

"Yes! Yes! Him!" I shouted. The guards looked at us but Carla only giggled.

she sighed "Isn't he charming?

"oh wait till you see Mr.Mcclain" I winked.

the whole afternoon went fast. I was daydreaming about Mr.Mcclain. Okay, maybe I have a crush on him. Second was thinking about Adonis. What the hell is he doing here? This is probably the first time that my mind is filled with boys, except this one time that my science partner actually asked me to be his partner on highschool then I found out that he only did that because his grades was dropping which I don't count.  

Carla tapped me and I was awaken from my deep thinking/day dream.

"you know, you have 15 more minutes and then your shift is done right?

I blinked a couple of times and looked at my watch., damn! it's already 4:46. I found myself amazed about how the time went rather quickly. A thought came in to my head that maybe Adonis already walked out of the hotel but I did not notice him probably because of day dreaming. I jumped out of my seat and quickly asked Carla.

"ummm? did he??" i mummbled

"if its Mr. Mcclain No. if its Adonis, yes. he already walked out 30 minutes ago" she rolled her eyes.

I starred at the door with my eyes widen and could not believe I missed him. I looked at the at my watch. Its already 4:58. I head down to the girls locker room, grabbed my bag and head to the carpark. I turned on my horrible car, god! I need a new one soo soo bad. It took a couple of key turns before it actually turns on.

I head to the road a realized I didn't say good bye to Mr.Mcclain. I was too busy thinking about Adonis and ask him what he was doing there? I want to ask him if he was following me or what business he got to do there. I know it wasn't coincidence. He moved yesterday, invited himself in my house then comes to my work out of the blue! I sighed, frustrated and confused. 

I turned to my street and see Adonis' car. He might be home!

I quickly parked up my car in my garage and quickly with small little steps because Im wearing heels walk towards his front door. I knocked three times but no one is answering.  I knocked again but there is no answer. I stood there frustrated and decided to have a peek on one of his windows. I probably looked like a creep doing this but I need answers. I didn't see anyone in the house so I decided to leave.

I turned around crossed the road and walked towards my house completely empty. I dont know what to think. I then noticed my mailbox. It has a letter, and it's from one of my childhood friend Christopher. We were friends since forever. Im probably friends with him longer than hannah. We were neighbours and we're the same age with him being older for only 3 months but on highschool. We didn't talk and hangout as much since I started hanging out with Hannah and him with his basketball crew. He's way taller than me from what I remember and he used to tease me, calling me shorty or awkward face but I always take it as a joke.

I opened my fridge and rolled my eyes when I forgot to buy food for dinner. Great Venus! you're so careless! I went to the my room and had a shower. As usual, I can't shut up in the bathroom. I like singing though no one knows. Thats probably why I don't know if I can actually sing. Either way Iam the only one who can hear it..... hopefully I can keep it that way.

The whole Adonis issue slipped my mind and focused on what am I gonna cook tonight. I grabbed a pair of jeans that I probably have since forever. I can't even remember when I bought it. 2 years or 4 years perhaps? The first top the I saw is this pink T-shirt that said "hot mess". Yea .....IDGAF. 

Sometimes you just feel like you don't give a f*ck about everything right now. I grabbed my keys and and put on my blue thongs that I only use when I go to the backyard but yeah, Im using it to the groceries cause....... IDGAF.

I opened the door and my eyes widen when I see Adonis standing there. I was shocked and confused. First. how long has he been standing here. He looked, upset or frustrated, I don't know I cant paint it. He's also wearing a white tank top and some blue baggy jeans with some distress on it. It's like those cliche's hot guys on the movie who is either a hot carpenter or a hot sadist CEO.

There was an awkward silence for probably 10 seconds. Both trying to find our words but just could't spat it out then he broke the silence.

"you were ringing?" he ran his hand from the top of his head down behind his head then scratched his neck.

I raised my brow and wondered. Is he flirting with me? well that is what I see in the movies, when guys does that they're trying to flirt.

"yeah, I was. I have questions." I looked straight at him but he noticed the keys I am holding.

"going anywhere?" his expression is so blank that Im clueless. I don't know if I should say you're just avoiding it or should I just answer his question.

He looked down then stare at me. My heart skipped a beat. Those eyes says so much more and I want to know.

"Groceries. Food." he turned around

"I'll come with you. I'll drive." he looked back again and wink.

Okay..... What is going on? at one point he looked sad now his ego is way above the roof. I got irritated and since I'm in the IDGAF mood right now, Im not really willing to obey a stranger so I walked passed him and walk straight to the car. Opened it and went inside.

He opened the door and he looked frustrated and irritated. 

"What are you doing?" he raised his left brow and it got me more irritated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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