Chapter one: part 1

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Name: Nikitah Tomkins.

Age: 16

Birth year: 3015

Death year: 3036

I suppose your expecting some soppy love story, but that isn't the case... You see this is a true account of my life, I'm not going to pretend that it was easy. It never really was, struggle after struggle. Constantly hiding from a man whom I can't remember properly. 

 It all started on the Christmas eve of which my brother was turning four. I was three at the time. My mothers hair was being held up by transparent jewels, her lips were cherry red and her eyes had a thin line of eyeliner. My parents were meant to be going to a Christmas party. But instead, they lost one of their most valuable thing in their life. Mum's voice was soft when she said "go hide, I love you both." She kissed my brother and my heads, and whispered "protect her!" to Louis. Just after strangers barged into the foyer. Louis and I ran outside and his behind a stack of logs. "I think we lost them." Louis whispered towards me, breaking the cold silence. The air around us was cold enough for me to watch my breath came back to normal, I felt safe in Louis' arms. Until the strangers came out the door and noticed us. One of them plied me away from Louis' grasp. I screamed out Louis' name while fear crawled through my body while I was being carried away from everything I knew. 

When I woke up I was in a white room, tied up to a metal table. Fear pumped through my veins, as I fought the urge to scream. "Hello little girl, are you ready for your blood test?" A man asked me from behind my head, I wasn't sure what was happening until I felt a sharp pain in my arm. "That's right, your all good to go." the man muttered into a radio. Someone entered the room, "Genetic configuration test one." a separate voice said, I turned my head to see what the people where doing. I watched as the man in a white with brown shaggy hair filled a needle with a purple liquid. "This won't hurt a but." he said while pushing the liquid into my neck. Pain shot through my neck, then heart. I screamed in reaction to the agonizing pain, I moved in attempt to go away from the pain, but it didn't work. A strong burning ripped through my whole body within seconds, all I could to was attempt to ignore the feeling of being burnt alive while staring at a while roof. Eventually I passed out because of the pain.

When I came out of my haze, I was in a different room. There was no windows, it was all grey and had a bed in the top left corner from the door and a chair in the middle. "Five days, You were out. The is not acceptable!" A bald man said darkly, he was tossing a knife up and down in his hands. "your lucky your still alive princess." he said while dragging the knife across my cheek, I didn't react, there was no point... Not if I wanted to survive. "Looks the your new genes are working." he whispered while walking out of the room, leaving me to wonder what he meant by that.

The next few months were a blur of needled and bruises. That is except for when the bald man's son Jonathan visited me. He always brought me food, he told me about the weather and about what was on the news. Jonathan had blonde shaggy hair, he was the only one kind to me. Over the months that I was held captive, I was forced to learn every bit of information that they saw necessary, I was forced to fight and conquer. I only did what I was told because they threatened to kill to people I once loved. It was in the evening, I was sitting in my room holding the teddy bear that Jonathan gave to me when his dad cam in to the room looking angrier than ever. "you... You have manipulated my own sons mind." he sneered at me, I noticed the knife in his hands and I stared to shake. I decided to stay silent while Jonathan's dad grabbed a fist of my hair and force my head backwards. "tell me why I shouldn't kill you." he ordered, I could hear the venom dripping off his voice as he placed the sharp edge of the cool knife against my neck. The bade was thin and smooth, at least it will be a quick death I thought to myself.

Just before he was about to pull the knife across my throat. The doctor or man with shaggy brown hair called "Everyone leave this place, they are here for her." Over the announcer. Fear grasped my body as Jonathan's dad laughed coldly and rammed my head into the metal pole of my bed. Everything begun to go hazy but I heard him call out "good luck girly." I didn't want to be left alone with someone that these people are afraid of. The last thing i remember was seeing a man with black hair and blue eyes come into my room And call out "she's here." he carefully picked me up, I can remember the smell of peppermint and smoke; you know the smoke smell that you get at a camp fire; before blackness took over.


Please don't judge this novel for not being romantic yet, it will get there. This is my first attempt of writing a romance novel but the idea I have for it is really good so I hope you enjoy reading it. :) 

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