Part 3

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Authors note: Please excuse swearing in the next few chapters.

I looked at my mum, it's been 5 days since my parents divorced. Mum's eyes were still sad as she hung out the washing. "Are you okay mum?" I inquired, as she had just had a fight with Amy. "No Rose, Rack of I'm trying to do the washing!' She yelled at me. I felt my throat start to prickle as i ran to my room. Tears ran down my face, no one was happy at the moment and I just want for things to go back to normal. I heard the door open and mum waked in, "I'm so sorry Rose, I was just upset..."  she mumbled while holding me in her arms, I looked up at my mum, she looked like she was distant. "It's okay, Just promise me that you will try to be happy?" I said while looking directly into her eyes.


I was pulled out of dream land by my alarm, it's been almost five years since that day. I am now fifteen years old and going into my last term of year ten. It's been rough for my family after the last few years, I got three step sisters and a step brother, along with a half baby sister (who is now four) all in the year after my mum and dad split. Many things have changed, mum went back to uni to finish a Nursing coarse, and dad is making plans to leave the army and move to Brisbane to enter the fishery market. Despite these changes, I'm still happy. I slowly got out of bed and ready for school. I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen and started to make my coffee. "Bitch face!" My older sister said looking at me smiling, I turned back to what I was doing while answering with "yes, spazz." I heard her gasp and say " I am not a spazz, I'm a strawberry!" I chuckled and turned to her, "you sure bout that?" she nodded while I made my way back to my room. 

When I was ready for school, I walked the agonizingly painful 15 minute walk in my academic uniform. It's too hot for this I thought for the 15th hundred time as I reached the school crossing. The lollipop lady's were chirpy as usual, "good morning, have a good one ay." one of them smiled at the kid beside me. When I reached the actual school grounds I decided to pull my head phones out of my phone any put it away before I got an afternoon detention. I made my way to my friends, almost as soon as they noticed me, they were all coming at me to get the first hug from me for the day (a competition that we have) Jade reached me first and yelled at the other two girls that she won; Jade has long blonde hair, she is also a dancer so shes quite thin, and shes an average height. Chrissy, has red curly hair she is extremely smart and a little taller than Jade. Lastly is Natile, she is tall and thin like the other two girls, and she has brown thick hair at medium length. I beamed at my friends as we discussed our holidays. Nat, Chrissy and I said our good byes to Jade as we made our way to class. The day was long and boring I was happy to get home. 

After dinner that night I went to bed because I was feeling tired; I had a really bizarre Dream that night about being taken away from a woman I a red dress and a young boy called Louis. The dream felt so real, almost like a memory... I don't think it's anything important anyway, probably me just over reacting, right?


At school, our first class was interrupted by one of the office ladies walking into the class with a blonde, fit guy beside her. "Sorry to interrupt your class, but this is Sammy. He's going to join your class for the rest of this year." She announced to the teacher and the class. "Welcome to the school Sammy, please take a seat next to Rose, she will catch you up with everything." Miss Demson confirmed smiling sweetly. I moved my books on to my side of the desk as Sam sat down. "hello Rose." he said, my first thought was 'ohmygoshhesbritish.' I smiled "hey Sammy." I whispered. "Just call me Sam, it's probably easier." he chuckled. "Okay, I'll give you our notes to all of our classes at lunch." he nodded and got back to work. The rest of the day was practically a blurr. Except i couldn't ignore the fact that Sam seemed so familiar, I don't even know why, I haven't even met a British person that's outside my family...

When I arrived home my dad was waiting for me to get my things together to go to his house, I mentally slapped myself for not having my shit together already. I ran into my room and gathered all the things that I will need for the next fort night and shoved them into my bags. Then I hurried into Dad's car. He had music dating back to 1999, I can't be bothered to calculate how many years has past since any of his music was popular. There were a few songs that  were alright I guess. "Only Alex is here this week, Kim and Alisha are at their dad's this week." My dad informed me. I'm the only one out of us girls that still does shared parenting. Dad pulled up to his house, it was and old queenslander, apparently it was even one of the first houses in this part of town. I lugged my things upstairs into my room. When I turned around, my little sister Margret was there. Her hair was pulled into mini piggy tales. "Hey bubbit. How are you doin'?" i asked her. She smiled and whispered "I'm hungry." "You need to stop whispering things kiddo." I laughed, shaking my head. I walked to the kitchen and pulled some ice-cream out of freezer and put some into a bowl for Margret. "Don't tell mum and dad."  I ordered shooing her to the table. She almost instantly had a devilish grin on  her face, it was adorable.   

My phone started buzzing like crazy, I looked at the screen and it was an unknown number, I sighed and answered it. "Hello, Rose speaking." I said in a robot tone. "Hello rose, it's Sam." My heart started pounding, how did he get my number? 


I hope you like the story so far.  I've noticed that I switch through Past tense and Present tens a lot, I will attempt not to though. :) 

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