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THE PROUD PARENTS OF SIRIUS Remus Weasley sat on opposite sides of their rug. Their son playing with his toys right in the middle. 

It had been days since Sirius almost walked his very first step, and both Aurora and Fred couldn't be more excited about it. 

They had been sitting on opposite sides of the rug for the past hour, waiting patiently for their son to notice and try to walk over to one of them. But, of course, Sirius was much more interested in his toys until he finally realised he couldn't spot his mum or dad close by. He panicked, almost letting a waterfall of tears stream down his chubby cheeks before he spotted his mum sitting slightly away from him.

Aurora perked up when she noticed her son looking in her direction. With a wide smile on her face, she held her arms out, calling out to the boy.

Sirius looked confused for a second, before he threw the toy he held in his small hand away and began to stand up by himself. 

Aurora and Fred watched carefully, ready to jump in at any moment to catch the boy in case he became unbalanced but that never happened. With a small giggle Sirius stood up onto his feet by himself, his parents proudly watching him, happy tears swimming in their eyes.

"You can do it, baby," Aurora cooed, watching her son putting his foot in front of the other, wobbling slightly.

It didn't take long before Sirius got the hang of it. His legs did wobble for the first few steps but as soon as they stopped, he laughed happily and sped up, almost running into his mother's open arms. Aurora let out a happy cheer, wrapping her arms around her son as the happy tears finally streamed down her face.

She looked over Sirius' shoulder at Fred as the ginger haired man smiled widely, a camera in his hands as he looked at the two, his eyes filling up with tears as he couldn't believe his luck. Aurora motioned for him to come closer, and he certainly didn't need to be told twice, with one large stride Fred made his way over to his little family, wrapping his arms around the both of them before placing a small kiss on Sirius' head.

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