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EVERYTHING WAS ABSOLUTELY HECTIC. IT was Sirius' first day at Hogwarts and he was most certainly excited for it, whilst Aurora and Fred were both excited but also upset since they weren't going to see their son, but the twins were a handful so in a way it was pretty good for the married couple, at least now they weren't going to be outnumbered for a few months.

The family of six got to Platform nine and three quarters with only a mere five minutes spare. Aurora kept her arms wrapped tightly around Sirius as he squirmed around in her grip, trying to pry his 'embarrassing' mother off. 

Fred chuckled at the scene but when his eyes spotted the large clock he decided to finally step it, he placed their only daughter down and took a small step over to his wife, "Come on, love," He said, trying to unwrap Aurora's arms from their first born son, "He needs to get on the train."

"Just one more second," The black haired witch mumbled, placing a long kiss on Sirius' forehead as he groaned in disgust.

"Mum, please," He pleaded as the nine year old twins laughed hysterically.

"Fine, fine," Aurora sighed, finally loosing her grip on her son. She had tears in her eyes as she looked at him. 

"Why are you crying?" Sirius asked, looking up at his mum.

"I just can't believe how quickly you've grown up," Aurora sniffled, throwing her arms around Sirius one more time. It was true, she couldn't believe how quick he had grown up. It seemed like yesterday when she held him in her arms for the very first time.

"Mum!" Sirius groaned, "I'm going to miss the train."

"Okay, okay," Aurora sighed once again and let go of Sirius. She placed a quick kiss on his forehead, "You got everything? Your quill? Wand? Ink?"

"Yes, mum."

"Good, just checking."

"Come on, love, he'll be fine," Fred smiled softly at his wife as he moved past her to say his farewells to Sirius.

"I know he will," Aurora said, grabbing her daughter's hand as she went to stand by the twins to keep them from throwing anymore beans at people walking past, "I'm just a bit overprotective."

"A bit?" Sirius and Fred asked at the very same time.

"Yes, a bit," Aurora rolled her eyes.

The suddenly sound of the train's horn filled their ears and before Aurora could pull Sirius into yet another hug, the young boy grabbed his suitcases and almost sprinted towards the Hogwarts Express, his black hair flopping on his forehead as he did so. As the family watched the train begin to move, Tonks and Remus strolled over to them, the latter of who joking about Tonks crying for the last week over the fact that Teddy was already being sent off to school as both she and Aurora suddenly burst into tears.

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