chapter 1 (the train)

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"Theodora! get outta bed we are leaving in 15 minuites" aunt Serena yelled from outside my bedroom.

I opened my eyes and sighed as I rolled out of bed annoyed and raced for the shower.

Today is my first day of my second year of hogwarts and im excited to finally have my own spaceand to see what this year has to offer. i get to bunk with my 3 best girlfriends. Last year i had my own room even thought you would generally get bunked up with other people but when the year started all the rooms were already taken and the only room left was a big room with no windows but with a bed in the middle of it and 4 large book cases covering the walls i guess noone wanted to be the one stuck in the reading room. i did love that room but im excited to room with the girls. 

I jumped out of the shower and changed into my slytherin robes. I put my long black hair into a side plait and put my green headband on. While doing my skincare routine i looked at my features in the mirror, my green eyes stared back at me.
"i guess this will do" i sighed as i charmed my suicase to float behind me while i walked down the huge staircase that took me straight towards the front door where my hag of an aunt stood at the front door scowling at me. she was a gorgeous woman and is a spitting image of my mother but she was nothing like her despite them being twins.

"alright get in the car im running late for my meeting with the ministry" she said walking towards the car. she always had weird meeting with the misistry but i knew better then to ask ash she said that i should keep out of other people bussinesses. 

I nodded towards her following closly behind her making sure to shut the front door on my out. i placed my suitcase on the seat next to me as i hopped in the car. I sighed as i prepared for a boring car trip filled Serena lecturing me about what i should be doing like keeping on the downlow, practicing my spells and why i should not to socialise with anyone who isnt a slytherin or anyone who has a low blood status. 


*1 hour later*

we arived at kingscross station. i quickly cast a spell to make my suitcase shrink before i put it in my pocket jumped out of the car waving at my aunt goodbye knowing she was completly ignoring me. i watched as the car turned invisible and flew away.

i walked up the steps towards the entrance of the station and smiled watching hundreds of muggles rushing to catch their muggle trains and to live their muggle lives. honestly muggles intrigue me they are just so interesting, i made a mental note to study up on what its like to be one of them. when i reached the top of the steps i headed towards the platforms of 9 & 10 and walked towards the brick wall in the middle of the platform. I looked around to make sure the coast was clear before walking through the middle of the wall. i felt a big gush of air as i entred onto platform of 9 & 3 quarters. The platform was packed with young witches and wizards from all around the country saying goodbye to their parents, siblings and guardians preparing to board the train. I travelled halfway up the train to the slytherin section and climbed aboard. i was early so there were only a few students in the carraige. i moved towards an empty to find a quiet place to sit preparing for the long train trip. i sat for a good 15 minuites before none other then my two best friends Violet Moon and Zax Leistung found me. 

"Hello Theo" they both said in usion as they walked in sitting opposite me.

"Vi, Zax" i said smiling wide as i continued. "how have your summers been?".

"My family and i went to london to see my grandparents. it was really nice" violet said happily. i smiled at her before looked towards zax. 

"honestly i did the same as i always do i stayed home with mum and we baked lots of cakes and had lots of people over" Zax said nonchalantly.

i smiled at them both "that sounds like you guys had a much better then i did" i sighed. "all i did was have my aunt teach me as much as she knows about the wizarding world and let me tell you she forces me to do alot of learning it like im in class by myself with a teacher who like to yellow and throw things at me. next time im gonna stay here at hogwarts"

"That bad huh" Zax frowned.

"Worst then bad that woman is evil" i said with annoyance.

Violet leaned forward and gave me a hug. She always knows when I need one and right now I really needed one. Zac and violet are really the only two of the only people other then seth, sam and addi I trust with my life so im glad we are all in slytherin.

Violet slowly let go of me as I moved back towards my window seat and Zac put his arm around violet. Zac and violet have like each other since they met in first year and have been dating since new years. At first it was weird cause i was always third wheeling them but know its just normal and im so happy my best friends are together. 

I felt the jolt of the train as it started to move and looked out the window smiling as we started our journey towards Hogwarts.


*author's note*

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!

I don't really know where this story is going to go but I'm really excited to write about it and learn about the characters as you all do!

~ Venus 💜🥺

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