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The journey the three soldier took, they never expect to discover something so....frightening and interesting at the same time. That talking viper was enough to tell them that there are more things to discover in the world, but will they expect the unexpected? After Mike experience through the shocking interaction between him and a mysterious male viper, Mike was given a sign that he should not act so foolish and accept the fact that he is not invincible to anything. Because Mike had been dealing with aliens for years now, he knew how deal with any type of aliens which causes him to develop that 'king of the hill' personality. But nothing got him worked up and grabbing that cautious personality again except when he was dealing with the experience just gone through. Of course, he has dealt with the Viper King before, but the viper that just knocked him out with one chop is a different one.

"Hey colonel, wait up. Why are you so jumpy all of a sudden?" Scott's voice calls out to Mike as the group was led by Mike who is fast walking to the town square. Mike narrows his eyes in his helmet and continues his walk. "I think you're right Scott, there is something funny about this town." Mike said, his muffled breath was giving Scott and Anna a chill down their spine. 

"So, got any intel when you two are out searching for one?" Mike said, his breath still sounds ominous as he turns his head to Anna's direction without fully looking at her. "Ehh none, they all just ran away before I got a chance to say something. I don't know what's wrong with me, is it my smile or something?" Anna said, she was feeling disappointed which made Mike turns his to Scott. "What about you, Scott? Found anything?" Mike questions, Scott was feeling unsure, deciding if he should them or not. 

A lot was going through Scott's mind, he figured that if he told them. XCOM would destroy this town or raid it, but his mind also said that XCOM wouldn't do such a thing. And if the XCOM really does that, then he would-


"Huh? Oh right."

After a moment for Scott to think, he finally decides. "Well yes, as a matter in fact. I found everything about this town." Scott said and triggers Mike to say "Really? Well spit it out then." They were still fast walking, and that was preventing Scott to say and walk any further. "Sure, but slow down first, if you want to hear this story." Scott said as he pants and has his hands on his knees. Mike turns around and sighs with a simple "Fine." Now, they were walking normally along the road. Mike slows down so that he was nearly beside Scott to hear what he says. As for Anna she was leaning her head behind Scott, listening intently to what he has to say about the intel he got.

"It all started like this, the people here were once living with the local resistance that was attacked and destroyed by the aliens about 2 years ago." When Scott said that, something struck in Mike's mind as he recalls the aliens attacking a resistance base. "The resistance base in Siberia...." said by Mike as his head faces the sky to recall back what he remembered. "What's wrong with that alien attack, colonel?" Anna questions Mike, she was so interested in Scott's story and the story behind the alien assault. Mike puts a hand at his chin as he thinks deeply into his memory. "If I recall correctly, that was the alien assault where XCOM failed to protect the local resistance. Because there was not enough soldiers to fight back the aliens, I was just a corporal back at the day." Mike says, entertaining Scott and Anna with his stories too before shaking his head and says. "Anyways, continue Scott." 

"Where was I? Oh yeah. So when there were no one to save them, they thought this is it. Their lives would end here and no hope in the world would come to save them. But then, their hope finds a way in odd angles as they were saved by a person they call Jormungandr." Something weird and familiar struck in Mike's mind again as he says. "Wait, you mean: Your Man Gander?" Scott's was face when Mike said that was like 'Da hell?' "What? No no. I'm certain they say it Jormungandr." 

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