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I guess our expedition weren't going that smooth after all, there is always an obstacle for us to overcome. Luckily, Adrian is able to 'pretend' to be one of the aliens by acting as a female viper. Just in case if you're still confused about this male female viper thingy, the gender of all viper of the aliens are females. Except for Adrian and his brother for some reason, that is still a mystery to me. But that is why Adrian always pretends to be a female when he is talking to other aliens, to avoid raising suspicions. And well after the transmission has ended, me and Adrian joke for a moment before I ask him about what he just talk about with that andromedon. 

"You wanted to know what we were saying?"

"The way you act like a female and you tried to cover your 'boobs'? Of course I wanted to know."

Adrian chuckles and shakes his head before moving to the control center to pilot the UFO, a button press here and there and then the ship is travelling at normal speed again. I can't see the UFO that tailed us though, the one that send a transmission to us. But Adrian has already speak to them, hopefully it wouldn't be a problem later on. As Adrian is finish executing the controls, he coils around to sit while still keeping an eye on the controls.

"Its not a clear translation but I'll see what I can do to tell you. Well I'm sure you know what the first saying was, Mor Balaten is a common greet among aliens which means For the Elders. And then the andromedon said "Moving out or lost?" Which caught me in a traffic, thinking of a good answer and so I said "No, Elders want me to find chosen warrior." And that was the answer I gave them, and then the questions and answers were over for us. But then, the andromedon comes back and asks me a question. He looked hesitant to ask which also made me feel nervous inside. "This is sudden, are you a male or female?" And then that's where you saw me acting shyly and girly like as I cover my chest to hide the fact that I didn't even have noticeable breasts like normal vipers do. Which I respond with "W-What kind of q-question?" And I can see that response also made the andromedon nervous as he says "R-Right, apologize." With that said, he quickly cuts off the transmission."

"Hmm, I didn't expect the alien to ask those question to you Adrian, he even looked nervous."

"Yeah, me either. I thought aliens aside from me make only straight faces when they communicate with each other."

"Maybe its just the ones communicating with you though, hahah."

"Heh, it could be because of that I suppose."

After that, there is silence inside the UFO. Adrian is keeping an observation with the controls while I make myself busy by checking the stuff that we took with us on board the ship. The items that I brought with me is just something small like my journals. As I look at the other items, my vision is focused on the stuff that Adrian brought with him, those pictures of him and his dad.I grab one of those pictures to look at them, my mouth was going to ask Adrian when he asks me something first.

"Hey, Bella. come here a sec."

"Adrian? What is it?" I answer as I put the picture down and walk towards him.

"Sooner or later, we are bound to face more situations with aliens or maybe even humans like just now, we should come out with a code name just in case if we were separated and trying to find each other."

"Code name?" I repeat his word curiously, I'm pretty confuse as to why we needed to form a code name for a backup if we get separated.

"Well you know, if we get separated maybe words and rumors would spread out of our names and then we could find each other again."

"Ahh, I see. But...I'm not good at coming out with names."

Adrian turns around stylishly with a spin to look at me as he leaves the control center.

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