My Best Friend, Death {Chapter 2}

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As I sunk to the ground in despair, the thing that killed Anubis, my best friend and brother, became visable. It was hideous. Its claws were cracked and long, still wet with some blood. My blood. I looked everywere on my body for the scratch, and when I finally did find it, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. It had torn my shirt on the lower back, and some blood was still spilling out.

"Need any help with that?" A voice said and I lashed around in not only fear but hope that it was Anubis that had said it. It was not.

"Oh, um. No, thanks." I said to the boy who had so kindly offered to help me.

"Yes you do need help. Come on, I won't bite." he said and moved closer to me. I cringed away, but he was persistant, "Come on, just wanna help you."

"No." I said, and got up, backing myself up to the wall. I looked over the edge and made an impulsive decision. I turned and grabbed onto the wall, vaulting myself over, shifting in the middle of free-fall. I flapped my shifted wings hard, this time I had chosen to be a falcon.

"No!" I could hear the voice of the boy fading. If he was a demond, I will never know, but my gut feeling was yes.

When I got to the woods, I made a clumsy drop and fell forty feet, landing in the tree tops. I had shifted back, and I was pissed. Whatever had killed Anubis had payed, but I was looking for more than just revenge. I was looking for pain, despair, and the feeling of no way out. They would pay for what they did to me, and to Anubis.

"Sure, why do not we just storm back in and hit them with lemons?" If I was hearing voices again, I would gorge out my brain.

"Now, now. There is no need to do anything of the sort, Rebel." My eyes flashed open and I rolled off of the tree tops, landing and looking around furiously. Then a force hit me from the back, tackling me and sending me to the ground, "Gotcha."

"Anubis, you asshole!" I scream at him and he lets go of me from behind, tears rushing down my face, "Do you think this is funny? Making the only sister you have think you've just died? That is so low, even for you."

"Hey, hey, Rebel, I am sorry." Anubis says and pulls me close for a hug, I am still bawling, making water marks on his shirt. He looks unharmed by the fall, but there could be some internal injuries, "I really am so sorry."

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" I say and pull back from his hug, showing how mad he is by slapping him in the face and then screaming, "That's what you get!"

He is startled for only a moment then laughed. All I could do was stare at him, flaberghasted by his lax attitude.

"This is not funny, Anubis." I said, "You don't know how it feels! How would you feel if I wanted to have a go at jumping off of a 50-foot wall?"

"I am sorry, Rebel." Anubis said his voice getting soft and his laughing stopping, "I really am."

"It's going to take a lot more than that, brother. I don't know if I'm ready to forgive you now." I say and step back from him, "Can we just go home? Our real, non-demond infested home."

"Okay." Anubis said and looked at the ground. He is much less animated when he opens the portal to my room, motioning for me to go first. I cross my arms and jump in, not bothering to even take a breath before I jump. I land with a heavy thunk that I wish my mother didn't hear. Anubis soon follows through the portal, adn it closes up after him.

"Here you go. Home." Anubis says and sits by my bed. I take my pack of my back and toss it onto the bed carelessly.

"Sam? Stop making so much noise!" My mother calls up the stairs.

"Sorry, mom!" I yell back and sit down next to Anubis, "Now what?"

"I do not know."

"Why did you take me there? What had you found that had made that place so interesting?" I fired at him quickly.

"I found something, Rebel." Anubis glances over at me, "I told you."

"I want the speacifics. So spill." I say, getting agrivated at his un-cooperative attitude.

"I found a letter. A really old one." Anubis gives up, reaching into his jacket and retrieving a folded clump of paper, "Several letters, in fact."

I take the letters from him lightly, affraid that if I touch them, they will crumble. As I unfold them, a warm feeling washes over me, begining in the tips of my fingers were I am holding the papers.

"Woah." I say, "Did you feel that?"

"A warm feeling? I felt it too." Anubis says and plays with the threads on my old rug.

I finish unfolding them and begin to read the letters out loud.

"'Dearest Zipporah, I am writting to tell you of the tragic occurance. The twins have been taken, and we have no idea were. You owe us a debt, and now it is time for it to be fufuled.'" I stoped to take a breath, "'We need to at least know were they have been taken and if they are safe. A simple traker or finder spell would do. These children are very special and it is of the utmost importance that they are found and reaturned home. Love, Siracha.' Twins? As in us?"

"Maybe, I am not sure." Anubis replies, not looking me in the eye.

"We need to find out!" I say, "Without getting killed or injured. Now the question is how we'll do that."

"Wanna sleep on it?" Anubis volunteers.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow Anibis." I say and he gets up.

He walks out of my room, and says, "I really am very sorry, Rebel. Please forgive me?" He turns toward me, eyes soft and serious.

I nod, "Of course."

He smiles sadly and closes my door. I go to the window to see him leave, to make sure that he gets home safe. When he finally disappears behind thick trees, I go and fall on my bed, slowly falling into a peaceful sleep thinking about the letters.

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