My Best Friend Death {Chapter 3}

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I cannot sleep.  I have too much on my mind and I need to get out.  I groan and get out of bed, it was about midnight and the days happenings troubled me greatly.  I lumber into the hallway and shake myself awake.  Shutting my eyes, I begin to mutter:

"Cado, iam in somnus atrum quietis quod mortuus quod sententia mos non excito insquequo ego narro."  A simple spell to make my family fall into a long and hard sleep.  It means: ‘Fall, now into sleep dark quiet and dead and thou will not wake until I speak’.  I wait to hear the sound of their steady simultaneous breathing and walk back into my room, closing the door.  I reached under my bed and grabbed my pack and swing it over my shoulder.

“Patefacio , ianua ut orbis terrarum nemo can audite.”  I mutter another spell meaning: ‘Open, door to the world no one can hear’.  As I spoke, a dull yellow light engulfed my room, my closet doors swung open, and I took a hesitant step back.  I had done this so many times, and yet I still take that one hesitant step.  I shake off whatever had just happened and grip the strap on my pack tightly.  I walk into my closet (which, might I add, is not walk-in) and end up in a large room.

“Rebel!  What is up girl?  Haven’t seen you in a while.”  A voice called to me and I shut my closet doors behind me.  I smile and look around, “What’s up?”

The large room was about the equivalent of a shooting range, and in some ways it was.  Several doors lined both sides of the walls, portals to the worlds of the other people who used this place.

“Toby, do you live here or something?  You’re here every time I show up.”  I ask and walk into the center of the room, where a small control panel sits.  I type something quickly and I soon begin to rise from the ground.  I had typed a code into the keypad that would bring me to the upper level of the ‘shooting range’, “Nothing much is up, though.”

“What brings you to the Center?”  Toby asks once I’ve reached the upper level.

“I couldn’t sleep, why do you care?”  I ask and look over at him.  I swear Toby looked so much like Anubis, they could pass for twins.  Toby was my height, muscular, and the lightest green eyes I’d ever seen.  He wore his blonde hair long like Anubis, the tips dyed blue and green.  He smiled at me, and I could see his lip rings.  Forget Anubis, he could pass for my twin!

“Well, hon, I run this place, and it is my business who comes in and who goes out.”  Toby gestures over for me to sit down and I do, “Now, what do you need?”

“I need you to do a trace for me.”  I say and reach into my pack.

“Why can’t you do it?”  Toby asks and fiddles with something on his desk, “You’re powerful enough.”

“I can’t get the spell right.  So can you do it?”  I ask and grab the letters Anubis had given to me.

“Sure, but you owe me.  Now what do you want me to trace for?”  Toby asks and stands up.

“DNA.”  I say and hand him the letters, “I need to know if you can find any.  If you can, I need you to compare it to mine.”

“Still on the hunt for your parents?”  Toby says and gently takes the letters from me.

“Yeah.”  I say, “So can you do it?”

“No problem.”  He says and grins at me.

“Thank you, Toby.”  I say and reach up to kiss his cheek, “It means a lot.”

“Hey, Toby, I was wondering if you could-” Someone had started to say from behind me.  I turn to see Anubis staring back at me, “do a trace for me?”

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