no control

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-by carlyloveslarry on ao3

"Alright, class, I'll see you all tomorrow! We'll get started on the real stuff next time."

Jacob grinned at each student as they left the room, some young girls giggling and some of the boys' cheeks red with embarrassment. Of course, what teenager wouldn't look like that after being in his health class?

He reveled in the looks of teens' faces as they learned about their bodies, about how sex works and what really goes on when they're looking at that hot person in a magazine, that was the best part. And he always started every semester with it.

Sure, he had to go on about eating healthy and stuff, but. Sex Ed was more fun. He had the chance to laugh maniacally as a bunch of 16 year old kids turned uncomfortable at the mention of their privates, or as their eyes widened when they learned what the inside of a woman's vagina really looked like. They couldn't get enough of talking about their penises until the time actually came.

Mostly, the girls handled it well. They didn't mind learning about it, probably because they'd had the talk from their mothers or fathers or whatever, but the boys, they were so oblivious to sex and to what really happened to their bodies after puberty. He couldn't get enough of it, honestly.

He could feel the evil grin forming on his face as students for his next class filed in, one after another, looking around and whispering to one another as they took their seats. And Jacob hoped to God that all of his classes would be polite and respectful. But, then again, when has that ever happened to a teacher?

He sighed as he heard a group of boys walk in, loud and obnoxious and he could already tell that he'd have a hard time dealing with them all semester. He knew how those kids worked, making jokes out of everything he said, turning the class against him, walking in five minutes late like he owns the damn place.

Well, he didn't put up with those kids.

Not one bit.

He faced the board and erased what he had written on the whiteboard in the class before, full of freshmen and sophomores and maybe a few juniors. So he assumed that this one was mostly seniors and juniors, they were the only ones left.

He put down his eraser and straightened his shirt before turning to face the class, scoping the scene for a few seconds. "Hello, my name is Mr. Bixenman. But, I like to keep it a bit casual, so you may call me Jacob if you like." He wrote his name on the board as he heard murmurs from the class, inaudible chatter filling the room.

"So, for today, I'll let you all ask me questions so you can get to know me. Also if you have any health related questions that you are just dying to know, ask those as well."

He leaned against his board and rolled up the sleeves to his dress shirt to a 3/4 length to show off his tattoos. He hoped they made him look tough and intimidating towards them, hoped that it would keep everyone in their place as he flicked his hair out of his eyes and pursed his lips, waiting.

He grinned when he saw a hand in the air, and identified it with a small blonde girl in the back. "Yes?" He said, pointing her out.

"How old are you?" She asked in a soft tone. Ah, yes. The usual question. Of course, he couldn't blame anyone for asking. He was sort of young, anyways. Just out of school, actually.

"I am twenty-six." He answered, nodding towards another student for his next question.

"Are you married?"

"No, unfortunately." He responded, and he was kind of bored of this class already. These students were really just like all of the others. He was answering the same questions, from the same kinds of students. What a great semester this would be.

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