naughty girls get spanked

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-by erin94 on ao3

Troye was running late. He was supposed to be at the sorority house five minutes ago, but yet he's running to the library with the book he forgot to return the day before. He knows this will just ruin his chances with the one sorority willing to let him in. Tonight is his informal rushing and he is supposed to attend the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity's party with the girls to prove his worth. They were already skeptical of letting a boy join, but Troye has always been incredibly feminine and enjoyed acting and being treated like a girl. His facial features and small body led to the image, not to mention the way he dressed. While he didn't (usually) go around wearing women's clothes (in public) he did often wear things other guys saw as inappropriate. He loved pink, skin tight, and sparkly things, not to mention his love for lace (especially lace panties). The girls were comforted by the fact that he was gay and wouldn't try hitting on them, but were still hesitant. Troye' worry about the upcoming party and his acceptance clouded his mind as he ran through the library doors and straight into a tall muscular chest. Troye bounced back from the boy, hit the doors and finally fell to his knees dropping his book and his glasses along the way.

"Are you alright?" came a concerned voice from above him.

The boy leaned down and picked up Troye' glasses before sliding them onto his face. With the boy now in focus, Troye could tell he ran into what could only be a god. He had curly brown hair partially hidden by a backwards snapback, shiny green eyes, and dimples too. It was like his ultimate dream boy (and masturbation fantasy) come to life. The boy stood back up allowing Troye a great chance to check out his (amazing) body.

"Yeah I'm fine" Troye stuttered out in complete awe.

"Are you sure? You might need a band-aide I think you scraped your knees falling for me" the boy winked and offered Troye a hand to help him up. Troye scoffed and rolled his eyes at the terrible line. The boy brought him closer to his chest again and whispered in his ear, "It's alright it wont be the last time you're on your knees for me." Then the boy walked off leaving Troye to collect his fallen book and will his erection away.


Almost all of the girls were finished getting ready by the time Troye made it to the Delta Zeta house. Troye walked in to the main bathroom to see the sorority president, Megan, smirking in his direction.

"Oh Troye it's nice of you to finally join us." Megan said in a sickly sweet tone.

"Yeah sorry... I was caught up at the library." Troye apologized glancing around at all the girls fixing themselves in front of the mirrors.

"Oh it's alright, you'll just have to do something a little... extra to get back in our good graces." Megan's smirk turned into an evil grin.

"And what is that?" Troye asked, a little uneasily.

"Well first of all, you need to let us give you a make over before we leave..."

"I can do that" Troye rushed to agree, he could deal with looking like an idiot at a party if it meant getting into the sorority.

"Well that's not all. You have one more thing you need to do, and this time you have two options." Megan's grin spread a little wider increasing Troye' unease.

"You can either hook up with Phi Beta Sigma's President Jacob Bixenman," the girls in the room with them laughed "or steal his prized honor's trophy out of his room... without being caught." Megan finished with her evil grin and a look that said she knew Troye wouldn't be able to do it. Despite Megan's lack of confidence, Troye gave a nod of understanding and Megan left the room.

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