I Will Not Let You Go

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"Titanic?! Yay!! My favorite story of all time!!" I said excitedly

"Oppa!! Sit beside me please!" Sana said cutely

"alright Sanake"i said cutely



   Dhyn  Jm          Y/n Sn

    Th      Tz             Jk   Yg   

There were a lot of scene, like romantic and OFC SAD moments.Especially when The ship sank scene happened,All of us started crying,feeling bad for the passengers.Sana was crying really bad so she put her face at my shoulders as my shirt was sucking all the tears,making it wet. i started patting her head to calm her down as everyone started crying..EVEN YOONGI


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"I'll Never let go!" Rose said,holding jack's corpse's hand,who's slowly drowning underwater

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"I'll Never let go!" Rose said,holding jack's corpse's hand,who's slowly drowning underwater.


"P-please D-don't let me go Y/n because i'll never let you go,I Love you Y/n." Sana said as she was crying while holding my hand

"I promise you Sana,That I'll Never let you go..I love you too Sana"I said smiling and kiss her forehead at her.We sleep together peacefully. 

He really hope that he can stay with Sana Longer than what he expected.He'll try his best to not let her go.....

I Woke up at 5:30 and i saw everyone was still sleeping so i decided to cook breakfast for them

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I Woke up at 5:30 and i saw everyone was still sleeping so i decided to cook breakfast for them.the school starts at 8:00 a.m.I look at the fridge in Sana's kitchen,anndddd,There's nothing.Welp, Looks like i have to go to the nearest grocery store.


I came back with all the ingredients for the breakfast for my Friends.i opened the door,i was shocked when Sana stand in front of me,mad.

"where have you been Y/n?!?"She asked angrily

"I'm sorry Sana, I woke up and i feel like i want to make breakfast but there's nothing in the fridge so i decided to buy some stuff"I Said while being Sad

"why didn't you tell me?!" She asked

"Well i don't want to disturb your peaceful dream and you're so cute so i decided not to" I said with sad voice, almost cried

Sana ran to me,Hugging me 

"I-i'm sorry Y-Y/n for being mad at you!I'm just worried that you might leave or let me go alone!!"Sana said

"It's okay Sana,I'm sorry for making you worried.it's not your fault.But me"

"It's okay Y/n" She smiles as she peck my lips all of a sudden

"What was that?" I said,shocked

"I did that because i love you Y/n"

"I love you too Sana.Wait, you don't want to rest?I can do this alone" I smiled at her

"Are you sure Y/n?You don't want me to help you?"

"I mean, if you want to,you can."

"YAY!!So what are you going to cook?" Sana said

"Hmmm...a secret ;)" I said

"Aww come on!!"Sana said

"If you want to know, then lets cook together"

"Ok Y/n" sana said

5 Minutes later

Sana was to sleepy so she rest her head on my shoulders

"Sana, are you okay?"



I turned around and saw Sana Cutely sleeping on with her head on my shoulder

Aishh This queen.

I pick her up,bridal style to the couch and make her lay her down

"poor Sana,i'll make it by myself.sleep well,sleeping beauty"I said,pecking her lips

"alright, time to make some Pancakes"

20 minutes later

"Phew! I'm done!" I said proudly

I look at the clock and it says 6:35 a

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I look at the clock and it says 6:35 a.m.Welp, looks like i have to wake them up.Let's start with Yoongi.I was about to wake him up until i feel like scared because he doesn't like being wake up by someone.

"U-um, you know what?Let's start with Jimin.Hey Jimin,wake up, we need to wake up our friends." 

"*Yawn* Alright, let's go."

we woke everyone up except Yoongi because we are scared that he'll cuss at us.wait i have an idea!

"Watch this" I said

I went to yoongi and i put the pancakes near Yoongi,he immediately woke up by the smell of the Pancake

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