The Wall 12

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~Albert felt awful. His grey prison uniform triggered his touch sensors in an unpleasant way. The day was hot and his saline-coolant reserve was running low. Nearby other prisoners were finding what shade they could.

            'Hello, Albert," said a voice.

            Albert glanced around and saw Patrick Holt. He found himself blinking in surprise. "I didn't realise it was visiting day."

            "It's not. I got special dispensation. I'm leaving shortly and I wanted to speak to you before I left."

            "Fire away."

            The man swept his hand through his red hair and sighed. "I should be here, Albert, not you. Your wall saved the settlement. Me, I nearly shot you. Why did you ask all your family not to testify against me?"

            Albert sighed. "Because you never did anything really wrong. You worked for the Hartmanns, sure, but you acted no different than any normal cop."

            "I'm grateful," said Patrick. "So tell me, how come you're here? You bring down a dictatorship, introduce democracy and then go to jail?"

            Albert smiled ruefully. "You must know I've been elected as president, even though I didn't put my hat into the ring."

            "I think everyone knows."

            "Well, I committed a few crimes to bring down the Hartmanns, and I'm going to pay for those crimes, even if in only a partial way. I want people to be able to trust those in power. That's why I'm here. You said you're leaving. Where are you going?"

            "Abigail Lane and I are going to join a human construct on the Torus."

            Abigail Lane thought Albert. "Ah, I see."

            "Are you okay with that? I know you and Abigail were an item until recently."

            Albert shrugged. "Presidents can't get obsessive about ex-girlfriends.  They shouldn't have affairs either. Give her my best wishes."

            "Thanks Albert. I suppose being a President will occupy all your thoughts for a while now."

            "Yes," replied Albert. "And when the presidency is over there are other things I wish to look into." Albert didn't say what, but in his mind he pictured the ivory stick and the dark wooden bowl. Those things were made by an alien race, he was sure of it. Considering no alien races had yet been discovered by man that raised two questions in his mind. Who were these aliens and what were they up to? When his presidency was over, he'd find out.

            The End

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