439 9 0

Restaurant, Saturday 6:45 a.m.
Way outside of town


"Excuse me, can I get another ..." Catherine rolled her eyes as the waitress passed their booth without a glance. "Guess not." She commented.

"Maybe she didn't hear you. I'll go get ..." Steve motioned to get up, but stopped at Catherine's hand on his arm.

"Don't worry about it; I'll share your coffee." She took a sip from his cup. "You said we were going to be hiking 'and stuff' so tell me more about this weekend ..."

Catherine had barely returned Steve's cup to the saucer before a waitress in a too tight, too short uniform with 'Barbi' on her nametag was at Steve's elbow. "More coffee?"

Steve had been focused on Catherine, but glanced up to say, "No thanks, I'm good. We need another cup of tea, please." He indicated Catherine's empty cup.

"I'll top that off for you anyway," The waitress bubbled, leaning closer to Steve than necessary, causing him to shift back in his seat to avoid contact. When she turned to Catherine, her bright expression dimmed "Regular or herbal?"

"Regular, please." She took another sip from Steve's cup. A grin formed on her lips as Barbi sashayed off.

"What?" Steve looked at her questioningly.

Catherine shook her head. "Nothing. How far are we from the cabin? You said it was I spot I've never seen."

"Yeah." Steve nodded. "It's not too much further. We used to camp there when I was a kid. It's a great spot. Totally secluded, it's right on the water, so we can swim, too." His love of water was evident in the tone of his voice. "Dad liked it for family trips because it was easier than pitching tents when Mary was a baby." His eyes shone at the memory. "You'll love it."

"I'm sure I will. I'm really happy to get away." Catherine tilted her head. "We're actually in a cabin with running water?"

"We are." Steve confirmed. "And wait till you see the lake, Cath. I told you to bring a suit, right?"

"Didn't you just say it was totally secluded?" Catherine lowered her voice and leaned forward.

Steve's smile broadened. "That I did."

"Don't really need suits, then, do we?" She purred.

"Nope." His grin grew mischievous.

"... and we're staying all weekend? Promise?" Catherine shifted and brushed her legs against Steve's.

"All weekend, promise. Last month when we tried to get two days off, the Aaronson murders blew that up, so ..." Steve reached across the table for her hand. "I wanted to make it up to you. This place isn't a rental anymore, but I got the keys because Chin's uncle owns the cabin now and ..." He stopped and looked up.

"More coffee?" Barbi stood with the pot poised over his cup, again. Her newly freshened makeup was totally lost on Steve, but not on Catherine.

"No. Still waiting for that cup of tea, though." Steve nodded toward Catherine, missing Barbi's brows knit as her eyes skimmed over their entwined hands on the tabletop.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Tea." She poured a dollop of coffee into Steve's nearly full cup. "I'll just warm that up while I'm here." The look she gave him before walking away was a barely disguised leer.

"Not a very good waitress, is she?" Steve frowned, and then looked a bit confused at Catherine's sudden laughter. "What's funny?"

"You are." Catherine rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand.

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now