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             》' I made a mistake and I'm living with the consequences'《

Today Sunset Shimmer's day started with her freezing on her spot as soon as she saw her locker had been vandalism with red sprays of 'She - Demon'.

The surprise on her face turned to irritate in seconds. Marching towards her locker, she opened it, grabbed the books she needed, slammed it shut and stormed off to her classroom. Ignoring the stares and glares she received as she walked through the hallway, Sunset almost walked into someone just as she was about to turn into a corner.

" Woops!" The person said, stopping on her track as well and looked up at Sunset. " Sunset Shimmer?"

" Pinkie!" Sunset greeted with an awkward smile

The pink curly haired girl smiled back, " Good morning! " as she said that, her other friends starting to catch up with her behind.

Sunset began to shuffle her feet nervously as she saw the mane 5. Ever since Twilight had defeated her, they were the only ones who took a short time to accept the fact that Sunset had turned over to a new leaf.

The other students? They still felt cautious around her and dare not to get near her. Some even thought of giving her the same treatment she had given to them before; being a bully. Now it was like a daily routine for her to find notes of hateful words under her desk and even the teachers seemed distant with her.

Sunset couldn't blamed them for acting like this -- she literally tried to use them as an army of brain-washed teenagers to take over the other world. Now thinking back about invited the shame and guilt inside Sunset.

" Oh, good morning, Sunset!" The other mane 4 greeted upon seeing the red haired girl.

" What's wrong? You look upset." Rarity pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

" Wait, doesn't she always look upset everyday -- Oof!" Rainbow Dash coughed when Applejack elbowed her on the stomach.

" Oh my, " Fluttershy gasped, seeing the state of Sunset's locker which wasn't so far from where they stood, " that's horrible! Doesn't that break the school's rules anyway?"

" Do you need some help with cleaning them up after school?" Applejack offered, ignoring the glare given to her by Rainbow Dash as she held her stomach painfully. " Or we can start by lunch time --"

" No, that's okay," Sunset refused, " thanks but I don't want to burden you."

The mane 5 gave her worried looks. Pinkie spoke, " Sunset, you do know we can help you if you want us to." 

The question wasn't exactly directed to her problem about her locker; it was more to everything she was facing now. Sunset looked away, hugging herself as she did so. She was grateful, really, that even if everyone hated her, she still had them by her side. They were the only ones who bothered enough to ask about how was her day, what did she do today or if she was okay.

But they didn't understand what she was feeling. They didn't know the guilt and shame swirling inside her was killing her as each days passed that no matter how much she tried to say sorry to those she wronged, it would still lingered and reminded her what monster she was. She wanted to escape from all of that. She needed to run away from it. She couldn't stand it.

Sunset gave a sharp inhale and looked up at the mane 5 with a fake smile she had wore for a while now. " Thank you. You girls are really kind. But I really have to go to my class now, I'm running late."

She walked passed them, catching the movement of Pinkie who reached out a hand to grab her but was stopped by Rainbow, who shook her head and said, " Give her some space."

Wise movement; she really needed some personal space now.


As soon as the bell rang, Sunset packed up her things and dashed out of the classroom first. She kept her head down, feeling the glares of everyone she walked passed by. Just as she reached her locker, she tripped and her books slipped away.

Uncomfortable laughter and snickers filled the air as Sunset sat up, rubbing her arm. Biting her lips, she picked up her books and went over her locker. The laughter was still heard even after she locked her locker and was about to leave but then a loud voice rang through the hallway.

" Quiet!"

The mane 5 went over Sunset, throwing everyone disgusted looks. Sunset felt a bucket of ice spilled over her; the last thing she needed was everyone to think she was begging for protection and mercy from the mane 5. She could already see the glowering looks from other students behind the mane 5.

" Are you all right?" Applejack asked, having to reach her first.

" I -- I am okay, I need to go --" Sunset turned to leave but then felt someone grabbed her by the arm.

" How can you stand all this?" Rainbow frowned, her grip on Sunset's arm tighten. " Why wouldn't you stand up for yourself? Why do you accept this kind of treatment?"

Enough is enough.

" Because I deserve it." Yanking away her arm, Sunset strolled towards the exit despite feeling another regret of treating the mane 5 like that.

It felt like forever for Sunset to reach her home. As soon as she did, she slammed the door behind her and slid down to sit on the floor, hiding her face behind her hands. She had no tears to give as she rarely cried. She had always thought crying means looking weak in front of others. The last time she cried was when Twilight defeated her and she felt a huge realization swept over her like a strong wind.

" Stay calm," she repeated the method she had been using to avoid breaking down, " ignore what they say, you deserve it anyway."

She let the silence comforting her even if it felt like shards of glasses stabbing her repeatedly. Sunset fished out her phone, finding herself scrolling for the earliest flight she could take to leave the place. Ever since she came to this world, she found out how difficult it could be without money so she started taking jobs until she even had her own savings.

Her fingers stopped at the ticket to Jasper, Nevada. The earliest plane she could take was about in a week away. That seemed enough.

Booking the ticket, Sunset dropped her hands to floor and let out a heavy sigh.

Running sounded cowardly but now she understood why most people chose to do so.

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