The Trio

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'It's ironic how our hearts can still get hurt by something we've seen coming '

If Sunset was given a chance, she'd rather stay in bed that morning. Everyone daily moods. A low groan escaped her lips as she shut off her alarms, feeling slightly sleeping.

" Well, " she sat up, yawning, " first day of school; better give a good impression."

After spending half an hour with cleaning herself and cooked a quick scrambled eggs for breakfast, Sunset threw her bag over her shoulders and stepped outside. Her shoulders slumped slightly as she let the relaxing morning wind swept over her. She breathed softly, enjoying the cool air as she locked the door.

" Sunset?"

The red haired girl looked up to see Jack had already on his motorbike, waving at Sunset with what it seemed to be a-try friendly smile. Sunset did a lopsided smile, amused a little as she went over him.

" Want a ride to school?" He offered, rubbing the back of his neck. " I mean -- my mom did tell me to help you if you need any help with school stuff." They way he spoke showed the fact that he must rarely talked to girls like Sunset.

Sunset didn't attend to make friends but these people just keep getting friendly and if she treated them like she did with mane 5, she didn't think she could handle another shame. After thinking last night, she decided to let anyone who wanted to be friends would be accepted -- but her past must be buried forever. No one in her new place must know her past life.

Sighing in defeat, Sunset nodded, " Give me an extra helmet."


The ride was quite smooth as they spent another 10 minutes to get to school. Sunset didn't admit it, but she enjoyed feeling the wind brushing against her as Jake's motorbike speed through the town. Maybe she could convinced him to take her home after school.

" You okay?" Jack asked as Sunset handed back the helmet she borrowed.

" I am fine. " She answered and then added, " Say, you don't think you can give me a ride back home?"

The boy flashed a much more confident smile than before, " Yeah, I think I can."

" Hey, Jack!"

Sunset looked behind to see a girl, maybe Japanese, running towards them with her hand waving in the air as she happily approached. Some students nearby chuckles at her energetic level early in this morning and Sunset couldn't help but to smile as well.

" Miko," Jack mumbled, hiding his face in one hand, " pipe down, will you?"

" Never mind that! Who is this anyway?" The girl named Miko said, circling Sunset with interest. She reminded Sunset painfully of Pinkie Pie and her rock-n-roll style with tomboy traits seemed similar to Rainbow Dash.

" This is Sunset Shimmer, " Jack introduced and quickly added, having to catch the way Miko gave him a smug smile, " she just moved in to the next house beside mine. We're basically neighbours." He pressed the last word, clearing that he had not more relationship with Sunset than that.

" Hi! I am Miko!" The girl said, shaking Sunset's hand.

" Nice to meet you, Miko." Sunset chuckled, shaking back her hand.

" Ah! Right on time!" Miko suddenly said, looking across over Sunset's shoulder as someone else approached them.

Sunset had to look twice to make sure it was a really boy -- mind, not a teenager; more like a twelve year old one. He had brown spike hair and wore glasses and he was quite short, he barely reached Sunset's shoulders.

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