Jasper, Nevada

599 16 1

》' People always leave; don't get too attached.'

" What -- " Rainbow Dash began, overcoming her shock first, " What do you mean you're leaving?"

It was lunch time and the cafeteria was packed with students as usual. Sunset always had her lunch with the mane 5, having no one to let her sit with them aside from the mane 5. After telling the fact she was going to leave, they looked very surprised.

Sunset glanced up at the mane 5 before continued to play with her food, saying, " In a week, I'll leave this school for good."

" For good?" Rarity repeated, her eyes went wide, " Sunset, what reasons do you have to leave?"

" What reasons do I have to stay?" She said back and there was an uncomfortable silence around their table.

" Okay, you do have reasons to leave, " Applejack broke the silence, " the way other treated you was unacceptable but think about it! I am sure they would accept you soon -- "

" No, " Sunset shot back, " no, they won't and you know it yourself. I am sick, really, with all of these! I want to escape!" She stood up, leaving her lunch and started to leave.

" You'd rather fear everything and run than to face everything and rise?" It was more surprising to hear that sentence coming from the shy and timid Fluttershy.

Sunset stopped in her track, feeling if she turned to face them, she'd stay for their sake. Instead, she gave a loud sneer so they'd hear her.

" Yeah, I think I am, " Sunset said, not facing the mane 5, " and speak for yourself; did you practice enough to stand up for yourself?"

There was a collective gasps behind her as she finished. Bracing herself, Sunset walked away, not feeling all right or relief but rather much more guilt to carry. How could she treated them like this? After everything they had done to her? After every kindness and cares they had shown for her?

Maybe after all, Sunset was a really monster in the inside.


" Attention to every passengers, please sit back as we are about to land soon..."

Sunset stretched her muscles after having to sit for a few hours in her seat. Thank God they had arrived at their destination. Sunset didn't think she could handle another hour since she was usually a really active and energetic person. Despite that, sometimes she overslept and was late for school.

Thinking about her old school, Sunset was painfully reminded about the way she treated the mane 5. She didn't get the chance to say sorry for them due to her overwhelming embarrassement and kept avoiding them in school. Regretting her action, Sunset found herself adding another mental scar in her life.

It took her another 15 minutes to leave the airport and head to her new house which she had rented thanks to her mounting savings. Good thing she was a hardworking person. Sunset took a good look at the house, feeling oddly lonely, as she dragged her suitcase to the door. Just as she was about to insert the key, she was greeted by a loud roar of engine.

She turned her head to see look at a boy who had just slowed down to get inside the garage on the other house beside hers. Guess that would be her neighbour. Then she saw the boy walked outside, his helmet had come off and he looked at Sunset.

" Um, hi, " he started, " just move in?"

" Er -- yeah." At this point, Sunset wasn't sure how to interact with new people. She had targeted to outcast herself, avoid getting friends in the first place when she came here.

Then there was a car coming into the boy's front yard and coming out from the car was a woman with the same jet black hair as the boy's, only hers was tied in ponytail. She saw Sunset and a friendly smile appeared her face.

" Hello! Did you just move in?" The woman walked towards Sunset, having no gate or fence to seperated them. " I am June Darby and this is my son, Jack." She reached out a hand to shake.

" I am Sunset Shimmer," Sunset replied, shaking June's hand awkwardly.

" How old are you? Do you live alone?" June asked.

" No, I live alone. I will start schooling at Memorial High School -- "

" Oh! That's where Jack schools at!" June stated excitedly, looking back at her son who looked like he would rather be somewhere else than there, " You can help her adjusting in your school later!" Then she turned back to Sunset, " Tell you what; why don't you have dinner with us tonight?"

Panicked, Sunset quickly said, " Oh, no, thanks! I really need to unpack -- "

" Oh, come on, Sunset, don't be shy. I would like to know more about you."

And still Sunset refused, " I am really thankful for your offer but I tend to clean up the place and rest for today."

June sighed, " All right, maybe next time. But if you need any help with anything, you can just call me or my son."

" Okay, thank you, again, Mrs.Darby."

" Just call me June," she said, smiling and turned to her son. Together they both walked into their house, waving at Sunset as they did so.

Sunset stared at them, feeling things didn't really go with the way she wanted. Nevertheless, it felt quite pleasant to know she have people she can asked help for in the future.

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