Friend or foe?

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Sunset Shimmer was still debating whether she was dreaming or not as the giant alien robot looked at her closer.

That escalated quick.

How did she ended up like this? All she did was wandering around with the sun glaring down at her, giving her sunburn, as she tried to find a way back to the main road when BOOM, she found herself hiding behind a huge boulder as she watched a pair of giant alien robots battling each other ferociously.

( I know I should describe the robots like helm = head but I'm writing in Sunset's POV which mean she knows nothing )

One of them had what it seemed to be a head in the shape of a bucket, with its figure in mostly grey colour; sharp shoulders with the edge curled slightly and to cap its scary look, it even had a cannon attached to his hand; Its eyes were blood red, with faint scars decorating his lips and all he ever spoke (yelled) was die, Optimus, die!; Is this all you got?!; I shall send you to the All Spark, Prime!

The other robot, while the grey one was vicious and terrifying, was oddly quiet and his voice sounded calm and controlled despite the battle it was in. Let's say both of them were males. His head was in blue colour while the other seemed to be in red, like Sunset's hair colour. He had a mask on which covered the lower part of his face as he fought.

His moves were quick, smooth and planned as he sent a punch towards his opponent. The grey one didn't seem bad either; he was surprisingly fast and steady as if he had been trained to fight for the rest of his life. Sunset was so enraged in the unexpected scene she felt the fear was replaced by curiosity and excitement as she leaned out of the boulder to watch closer.

Curiosity killed the cat

Sunset froze when the robot with blue head caught the sight of her. Their eyes locked.

Aqua blue. He had that colour for his eyes. For a moment Sunset thought it looked like hers but then remembered hers was green sea and didn't light up like his. Her lips parted slightly, losing her focus of reality as she observed his eyes further. As soon as he saw her, there seemed to be a surprise flashed in his eyes before he turned back to his opponent and fought back with much more energy than before.

Crap, he saw me. What should I do? Sunset turned back to hide back behind the boulder, frowning with the thought of the robot might harm her.

There was literally no way out; if she ran away, they would see her. If she waited one of them to win out, it'd probably be the one she made eyes contact, no luck then.

She jumped slightly when there was a loud crash heard. Didn't dare to peek out, she clamped her hands over her mouth and waited.

" You might win this time, Prime!" The grey robot's voice was heard. " But I'll soon get my revenge! " There was shifting and metallic sound before the roar of the engine filled the air and Sunset saw a jet flew away.


Then --

" Are you all right?"

Sunset whipped her head around only to find the second robot had approached behind the boulder and was looking at her. She did the most common thing that a person would do if in total shock and panic.

She screamed, grabbed the nearest rock and threw it at the robot.

Okay, might not be too common.

The rock did nothing but bounced harmlessly back to the ground. The robot sighed and knelt down, alarming Sunset slightly.

" I have no attention to harm you, miss." He spoke, holding up his hands as he did so. " But you have seen the fight I had with my enemy, therefore knowing our existence. I have no other choice but to bring you back with me to the base, where everything would be explained."

" You -- You're not going to hurt me?" She asked, starting to rise on her feet and was walking backwards with hesitation.

He shook his head, " I have no reasons to. Furthermore, harming humans is not something I would do."

" W-Why should I come with you?" Sunset found herself stuttering,  which was quite unlike her." I promise I won't tell anyone if you just let me go!"

" I am afraid I can't do that. Knowing my existence means exposing you to my enemies as well and it'd be better if you have some protection." There was a hint of plead in his voice and he looked quite tired already.

" I -- Just, give me a moment." Sunset turned, trying to breath calmly.

Today was quite weird in many perspectives; despite the days started normally, she still kept getting into some kind of mess like meeting a giant robot under the glaring hot sun -- wait, has it always been this hot? It felt like sauna...

" Miss, your face is red." He pointed out when Sunset turned back to him.

" Huh? Oh, it's rather hot here..." Sunset trailed off, wondering why there were stars in the middle of daylight. Staggering slightly, her hands found the boulder as they supported her from falling.

" Miss?"

Why did everything seemed blurry? Sunset squinted her eyes, trying to look at the robot closer but found faint darkness covering every corner of her view until it absolutely became fully dark.

With a groan, Sunset closed her eyes and passed out.

Blooper 2#

If Sunset had notice the second robot approached her after the battle

If Sunset had notice the second robot approached her after the battle

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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