Friendly But Fearsome

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   I stopped walking once's, I started to realize I was getting no where close to the dorm rooms. I was getting really tired of walking and I was carrying a lot of stuff. I honestly began to wish I didn't leave Jake; even those he started to creep me I should have asked him to help me find the dorms. But since I'm a wuss I didn't even bother thinking about that. I picked my stuff up after taking a small break and sighed while pushing my glasses back on my face. I then began to walk more as my feet began to hurt even more. The hall's were really quite and no one seemed to be walking by, which was good until I turned down a hallway and suddenly came to a stop. My glasses had fallen to the grown as I jerked away from the man so I didn't bump into him. My eyes  then went blurry and I couldn't see anything. This wasn't the time to have lost my eye classes and not having eye contacts made things even worse. I was completely vulnerable in a place like this with no eye sight. I then frantically moved  and started moving my hand over the floor searching for my glasses. But then someone said -

" Oh hey . . . sorry about that... Your the new kid right " 

The guy said handing me my glasses back as I snatched them fast out of his hands. I happened to also graze a touch of his hand; and noticed his hands were ice cold  which made no sense at all. The school wasn't even that cold. I got to my feet and nervously set my glasses back on my face and took a gulp then said-

  " T-Thank you . . . Sorry for ah . . . bumping into you " 

I said pushing my glasses up. I finally could see the persons from faced to face. He had brown hair and a football hair cut and he was hella big and buff. He could do some damage easily to me if he wanted too. He was very built and seemed really nice those. But he also had red devil eyes. He then smiled at me and said -

" No you didn't bump into me . . . I shouldn't have opened the door without waiting to hear if someone was coming . . . Plus this happens a lot actually here " 

The guy said rubbing his neck as I weakly smiled and didn't over think it this time as I said in a friendly way -

 " It's fine . . . don't worry about it" 

 I said while trying to calm myself down. Even those he seemed nice; we were the only ones here and so far these people have some type of dark secrets and we're very deceiving. And if he really wanted too HONESTLY he could hurt me badly but it didn't seem he was interested in doing anything harmful; his friendly smile didn't leave his face for the whole time so it mad me feel a little better. But my nervous actions probably were showing. But he seemed to have not really notice it or didn't care as he said - 

  " . . Anyways my name is Henry . . . I'm a football player for the school. I was just now working out for this years try outs . . cause this school got's the best training equipment ever " 

He said rubbing his neck nervously as I looked at him and smiled putting out my hand and forgetting about Jake's warning and said -

 " Oh . . . I mean I sorta had guessed you were a football player honestly . . But my name is Emjay..." 

Saying that I then glanced at my hand as I held it out and had noticed my hand had been scraped when I had fell to the grown. Blood began to oozing out of the scrape. I then began to pull my hand back as I said - 

   " Sorry I guess I had scraped my hand when fa- " 

 I said as I was suddenly interrupted by being forcefully grabbed by the arm and shoved into the wall. As red eyes peered into my face big fangs began to show from his mouth. While the tip of my shoes touched the floor while I struggled to get out of his restraints. But he was way to strong for me, I then yelped and said -

 " L-Let . . go of me... SOMEONE HELP!! "   

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