Wide Open Hazel Eyes

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      Victor finally stopped teasing me for snooping around in his stuff and for being hella strong. But I sat there on my bed trying to sleep but I was to anger. It was already night time. I was really tired but couldn't fall asleep. Without much thought I turned to the side of me to see Victors bed still empty. I was curious where he went so late at night. It was 3:34.am at night maybe he was at the girl's dorm . . . Seems like a place a pervert like him would be at this hour and I'm sure he's really popular with the girls because he really good looking. I thought but quickly turned on the other side of my bed and stared at the colorless white wall. I wanted to fall asleep so badly but couldn't, as my brain was still wide awake; mainly because I was afraid that, that pervert would come back and do stuff to me while I was asleep. As I blushed at the thoughts that entered my head on the things that weirdo would most likely do to me if I had fell asleep right now. But I quickly stopped my brain before it got to detailed. But my eyes soon closed and I feel asleep into a place I was actually enjoying for a while until reality came back as Victor yelled. 

" Hey! . . . Wake up!! . . . WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING..!! ..EMJAYYYY..!! " 

Someone yelled as I jumped up in my bed. Startled I looked at the door to see Victor standing there seeming more pissed than me. I glared at him then slowly glanced at the clock seeing the time I threw my pillow at him and said -

" What the hell . . . I JUST fell asleep a few minutes ago . . . " I said pausing while I settled myself back onto my bed as I finished my statement by mumbling my words. 

" . . . It's 4:36 in the middle of the night go back to the girls dorm . . . You pervert.... " 

 I said laying back down onto my bed not wanting to move an inch. I could feel him glaring at me in annoyance. But I should be the one more annoyed at him for waking me up. But he just stood there for a few seconds and then said - 

  " Go back to the girls dorm?... Is that where you thought I was..?  " 

He said curiously with a smart ass tone, He seemed to have wondered, where I got that information from. But then he quickly opened my closet door and threw my uniform on me. As my uniform landed on me he said - 

  " I don't know where you got the INFORMATION of me going to the girls dorm from . . . But you've missed your first class. So hurry up and get dressed before you miss anymore classes . . . Also you've got History next the teachers strict so don't do anything dumb if you get upset . . . . Also I won't be in most of your classes so don't do anything stupid, Emajay " 

He said as I started to get up from my bed as I grabbed my Uniform and then glared at Victor and said- 

  " Are you messing with me again . . . It's almost 5 in the morning . . . What school run threw the night " 

I said as Victor seemed quite serious. He wasn't wearing his cocky smirk or his annoying face expressions. But as he  lifted his hand to his face he sighed while saying- 

  " Emjay . . . I thought you were on the top of your classes . . . Sleepy or not you shouldn't you be more responsible and less dumb..? Anyways  . . . Why do you think this school is called  *V-NIGHT . . High School* " 

Victor said as I stood there even more annoyed for my own foolish mess up I made. I then quickly walked away heading to the bathroom to change. I shut the bathroom door forcefully but gentle behind me. As I could imagine his annoying smirk on his face right now for making me seem so dumb...   

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