Terrible Day Of Mine

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Yup anybody got those terrible days where you just want to sit at home instead of going to school well here's my story on those type of days cause I went to the hospital!

So I have my normal morning as I head to school I make my way to class we just watched a video than during my math class we did cards for army soldiers who couldnt go home for the holidays and I thought it was nice so once I finished that I headed to science where a crowd of people were near me and that's the one thing I hated and during my class I kept trying to find these papers my teacher was nagging at me about and I found it annoying but I was finally able to head to Tech class which was my favorite, oh how I was wrong we had this word thing to get finished and I was at the last thing to do butttttt my teacher asked me to re due three fucking things, like I wasn't busy enough anyways than I asked to use the washroom and left I went to the washroom and hit my arm off the fucking bathroom stall like now I was really fucking annoyed with my day but it couldn't get any worse once lunch came and I was sitting on the floor near a plug in for my phone and my left foot had fallen asleep on me, I noticed the bell was about to ring so I got up....

Bad fucking idea!!!

I tripped on my foot one and it turned side ways when I did so it was on its side than I did it again I either felt something crack or pop as I fell over, two girl students asked if i was fine and i said yeah and they just left to do there fucking little discussion not caring a fucking bit if I need help or not, so I got up and my ankle hurt like fucking hell but I managed to walk till I started to cry I called my mom but she just said it was either I walk it off or head to the hospital and I hate hospital's cause there boring and I'm terrified of needles and more importantly I'm pretty sure on what I seen on somethings doctors tend to rape the person so which made me even more fucking terrified.

Anyways as I head to the office once like two teachers asked if I was okay and i had to put my mom on mute a couple times i went into the nurses offices limping and crying from the pain, I was laid down on a bed with ice on my ankle but the coldness made it worse and I was biting my hand to distract me from the pain with more pain which helped a bit, than I was taken out with a wheel chair, I left school went to the hospital and was pulled around in a different wheel chair which was fun cause I got the hang of it after a while!

But now I'm at home and i had to hop around on one foot a lot and let me say that it was a work out but that's because I'm Fat 

But I hope everyone had better days than me and I know not many people will see this, since I'm not that popular ^w^"



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