the flu

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it was a normal day home at the cabin. hopper was at work and el was home, as usual. but, it wasn't that normal. el had got the flu.

el was currently cuddled up in her bed, feeling awful. she had thrown up an amount of times and was coughing, really really bad. and oh, she had a headache.

the girl with rosy cheeks decided to turn around in her bed, so she was facing the door. it was a big mistake, she thought..

"shit." she mumbled. her whole body hurted and it was hard to move.

she knew hopper would be gone the whole day, but she really needed someone who could help her in this situation.

mike. her face lit up just the thought about her adorable boyfriend. she spotted her supercom on her bedside table and took hold of it carefully.

she pressed down the button and spoke "mike?" but she just got a static noise as an answer.

"mike, are you there?" said el with a scratchy voice. still no answer. she groaned and put her supercom back down at her bedside table and decided to cuddle with her teddy bear.

she could feel her eyes start to close. so heavy. can't keep them open any longer. she fell asleep.

1 hour later

el woke up to the feeling of something heavy around her. it was hard to move so she decided to turn her head around.

"mike?" he smiled at her.

"good afternoon sleepyhead." he kissed her forehead.

"i can't move."

"oh! right, sorry." mike removed his arms from around her and moved to sit up against the headboard. el turned around carefully so she could see him.

"how are you feeling, angel?" he asked and caressed her hair out from her face. it had fallen infront of her face in her sleep. she looked adorable, he thought.

"awful. everything hurts and i've thrown up many times. it's disgusting mike.." el said with a frown.

mike gave her a sad smile. "i know, but think positive about it. when you're throwing up, it means that your bad bacteria disappears. that's good, right?" he said with a happy voice that el loved so much.

"yeah i guess. but mike?" she looked up at him.

"what's up?" he smiled at her.

she opened her mouth slightly and her eyes glimmered. "i think.." she coughed.

mike knew exactly what she meant so he stood up from her bed and took of her covers from her. he held her hands and helped her stand up.

"hu-hurry, i can feel it!" she said with a slight panic in her voice.

"come on, we can make it to the bathroom alright." he held her around her waist and they almost jogged to the bathroom.

el coughed and took her hand up to her mouth, trying not to vomit on the floor. they're so close now.

"almost there." said mike with a comforting voice. el nodded and squeezed her eyes in disgust.

when they made it to the bathroom el slipped down on the floor infront of the toilet and vomited. finally. mike sat down behind her and held her hair so it wouldn't fall infront of her face.

"just let it all out." he told her.

"i am!" she coughed.

mike sighed and caressed her back in soothing patterns. el didn't throw up that much but it still was something.

she flushed the toilet and mike helped her up on her feets. el then walked over to the sink and washed her mouth with water.

"i don't like being sick." she told him with the crying in her voice. mike walked up to her and hugged her from behind.

"i know angel. but i promise you'll get better soon, alright?" he kissed her head. she nodded and turned around to look at him.

"what about we go back to bed and cuddle?" he smiled down at her. she light up like a sun and took hold of mike's hand. they walked back to el's bedroom.

"can you help me lay down? it hurts everywhere.." el said with a frown.

"of course, ellie." he helped her lay down.

"how many time have i told you to not call me ellie?" she looked at him and laughed. that adorable laugh of hers, mike thought.

mike looked at her in the eyes and said "because you're my ellie, ellie." he smirked. she punched him slightly in the chest and smiled.

"i want to cuddle now so come and lay down with me, pretty please?" she gave him the puppy eyes. he didn't dare to say anything else so he laid down under her covers. el made herself comfortable and laid her head on his chest.

"i like being with you, mike." el spoke up.

mike smiled. "and i like being with you, el." he kissed her head and put his arm around her. later on he started to caress those beautiful honey curls of hers.

el soon fell asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat and the gentle movements in her hair. so soft and so calm.

december 5th 2019

hellooo! fr i'm so happy that i got my writing motivation back! it's so fun and CAYOOT !! :,)

don't forget to send me requests because i seriously have no idea what i should write about.

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