Chapter 3

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I threw on a maroon skater skirt, black crop top, black high heel boots, a necklace, and a sweater. To tell the truth I was freaking out. How the fuck am I'm gonna sneak out. Maybe the back door. Idk. But my parents went out for dinner and dropped our 6 year old sister off at her best friend's house.
I slowly walked downstairs and towards the back door. Thank god Cameron was in his bathroom showering. Btw I'm in dance and I was in Gymnastics for 5 years so you can about imagine how good I am at flipping. I flipped over our fence (in high heels yes, ikr crazy but it's a story) It was starting to get even darker so I quickly walked a few blocks to Nash's house. *knock, knock*
"Woah, trying to impress someone? "
Nash said while checking me out. "Yep" I replied. I slowly wrapped my hands around his neck. "It's you" I said. Then he put his hands on my waist and we leaned in and started kissing. Gently, but yet enough to make me want more.
Hey guys, sorry it's so short. I haven't had much time and events to write. But I will finish this story before December 1, so yaga.
And I'll see all you beautiful people... Next Chapter :)xxx

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