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This is Cleril. Glorybringer Part 2 will be after a couple chapters. Thanks for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it.

Clay woke up one morning realizing he slept in. He forgot to wake up his siblings and to get ready to work at Jade Mountain. 

I CANNOT be late for class. Oh no class starts in 20 minutes and I didn't get ready at all. Also it is pretty far away. I hope I can make it in time. Clay got up, ate some breakfast, made sure he looked ready to work, and flew to Jade mountain in 35 minutes. No no no no no. I am late. Clay entered the classroom, scared, and did not expect to see what he saw. 

Peril was teaching the class. "Hi guys. Sorry I am late." Clay said to the whole class. He walked up to Peril and said "Thanks so much Peril. I can always rely on you to help me.". Peril blushed. She has a crush on him except he really does not notice when ALL of his friends notice. "That is really kind of you to say. Well I am going to get something to eat because I skipped breakfast." Peril said. 

"Skipped breakfast?????? How can anyone skip breakfast?????" Clay said. He sounded like she got stabbed in the leg. "Haha. You are so funny. If you need anything just give me a call." Peril said. "Yeah I will. See ya later." Clay said. Peril left the classroom. Clay taught the class for about the thirty minutes until -- "Ok guys! Time for a brain break guys. Go get some water or go to the bathroom, but be back in 10 minutes." Clay told the class.

"Ok, Clay." Everyone said. The kids all left the classroom. As soon as the kids were gone, Peril showed up. She shut the door. "Hey Clay. I have to talk to you." Peril said. "Ok. About what?" Clay asked, curiously. 

"Ok! So you know how there is a rumor going on saying that I like you? Well that is -- Clay cut her off. "Yeah I know it is false." Clay said. No! I do like you. That is what I was going to say. I guess he isn't ready for me to tell him, Peril thought. "Yeah." Peril said. 

Awwww. I was really hoping she would say no. I want her to tell me the truth, Clay thought. "Ok, if that is the truth." Clay said. "Ok bye." Peril said, awkwardly.  "K, bye." Clay said. Maybe one day, Peril and Clay both thought. 

All the kids walked in, so Peril left. Clay felt awkward while teaching his class. When class ended, he texted his friends. 

                                                                Dragonets of Destiny Groupchat

Clay: Hey guys, what is up?

Sunny: Nothing Much, what about you?

Clay: I just feel weird. Peril came up to me and was talking weird.

Tsunami: I think what you are talking about is "LOVE". Say it with me "L"

Clay: Haha LOL. Not true tho.

Tsunami & Sunny: Mhm......... Sureeeeeeee. I believe you.

Clay: Ok maybe you are right. What should I do though?

Glory: Just tell her.

Clay: Ok, thanks. Bye guys.

Glory & Tsunami & Sunny: Byeeeeee

I don't know. Should I really go tell her? Should I ask my siblings? No. They are all younger than me. I mean I am pretty young. You know what. I am going to tell her.

Clay was walking around Jade Mountain, trying to find Peril. He searched the whole mountain and could not find Peril. He went downstairs and asked his friends if they saw her. They didn't see her. 

Clay started to worry. He looked out the window of his classroom and he couldn't believe what he saw. There was someone kidnapping Peril who had fireproof scales!!!!

To be continued...................

So next I will be doing Ripnami and then Moonbli and then Starspeacker and THEN I will be doing Glorybringer part 2. I will do Winterwatcher & Sunnyflight if you guys say in the comments. Thanks for sticking around on my account! Have a very nice rest of your day!!!

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