Teardrops on my Oven

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Miles POV

Shock is an understatement to describe what I feel. I felt my heart was being crumbled or maybe it was powdered. My world feels like a big joke. A joke that I know is full-meant. I was hoping that somebody will tell me that it was only a prank but I know it is not. And I feel like a fool by the looks they are giving me. They are looking at me like Im the most pitiful person in the whole universe, well it seems I was. My boyfriend – no scratch that, my fiancée has been kissed by a girl. And it was not just an ordinary girl, it was Rica, his first love, the girl that he shared his childhood to, the girl whom he waits for 8 years and how can I compete with that girl who first makes his heart swoon. As I sit here, drinking the hardest liquor, I stared blankly at the sky. A while ago, I was crying hard because of the happiness he brought but now, I am devoid of any emotion that doesnt shows how my heart bleed all the pain. I know they are staring but I dont care about their thoughts, I dont care about my appearance, I dont care about every single detail in the restaurant now. Im just wishing for a silent night to pass by but is seems He has other plans,

Miles Saskia called me but I refused to talk

Miles, you can cry if you want to. We wont judge and we wont remember it. Just let it out. Please. Nadja pleaded but I dont want to because I know the moment it begins, it wont stop streaming down. As I fight back my tears, I felt someone hugging me from behind and someone caressing my hand. When I looked at them, they just give me a small smile and continued what they are doing. I cant hold it back anymore and I just let small sobs. Then my sobs became tears and my tears became a loud cry. I cried and cried until my eyes are puffy. As I cry, they just pat my back and caress my head without uttering any words. They just make me feel their presence. As soon as I already composed myself, I breakaway from

the hug and wipe my tears. I heaved a deep sigh and face them,

Thank you guys, I gave them a small smile I know that you already need to go. Ill be fine here. I will just wait for some time before I head home. Besides, they already wait for so long. I point out their husband or boyfriend. I signaled the boys to come and pick up their loved ones.

Are you sure youll be fine being alone here? Reichen asked.

Do you want us to call the single boys to accompany you? Zell suggested.

Do you want some chocolates or ice cream? Angelo offered.

And some boys suggested a lot of things but I just gave them a small smile and urged them to go home. Until Reid came along and help me persuade the boys,

Go home now. Dont you get it? Shes waiting for HIM. Now get your asses out of here. Reid ordered and the boys together with their wife or girlfriend leave the garden after giving me a small smile.

You, too Kuya Reid. Go home now. I know Ate Tamara is waiting for you and the green mangoes. I will be fine. I will wait for him.

Until when? Its already 1 A.M. Miles, go home now. He ordered but I refused to follow. He just sighs and compromise with me,

Okay. You can stay here but Ill ask one of the new members to pick you up and bring you home. If he is already here and Gino was not yet here after he disappear with Rica hours ago, go home okay? he said to me. Knowing that the new members was still in Manila attending the charity auction and it will take couple of hours to be in Tagaytay, I said yes. I patiently waits for Gino, praying he will gave me an explanation but Devon already came from the auction and offered me to drive home. I guess he still hasnt move on from Rica.

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