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The faded-orange haired girl adjusts the zipper of her boots as she is about to head out for another shopping spree as if she does not own enough clothes already. Standing up, Chaeyoung takes one last look to the mirror to brush her hair. Her gaze from her hair trails over to the reflection of a girl in her deep slumber. Though Chaeyoung had a petty reason to dislike the jet black headed girl, she couldn't help but feel bad for what happened last night. It was a first to see Jimin breaking down like that. The man is always so tough and fun to be around with. It felt so strange to see a new side of him. A helpless, morose person. That night, she had wondered what Sooyoung was feeling. Certainly if Jimin was reacting badly, Sooyoung could be worse.

Downstairs, she could hear rambles and footsteps going around. Chaeyoung frowned. It was seven in the morning. Yes, seven. She wakes up early to go to far places just for a dress or a pair of heels. That's how picky she gets yet she doesn't give a damn because that's just how she is. Besides, this house is in the middle of nowhere. Where else will she go?

Back to what's happening downstairs, Chaeyoung takes one last glance to Sooyoung before quietly coming out of the room with her heart beating fast. Who knows? It might be intruders. The boys don't wake up at this hour. That's a known fact. She passes by a door that is slightly open. This is Jimin's room, she thought. Full of anticipation with a hint of anxiety, she takes a peek inside. Only to be met with sunrays shooting through the dirty window to an empty, messy bed. Now her heart is about to burst out of her chest. How about the others? Hurriedly she tiptoes her way to Jungkook's and Taehyung's room whose beds are unoccupied as well.

What if they're murderers? What if they took Jungkook and other already? What am I gonna do? I haven't even shopped yet!

Chaeyoung starts to bite her nails. A habit she picked up back in Australia whenever she gets nervous. Only Sooyoung and her are left in this house and a bunch of strangers downstairs who are still talking, muffled. Hold on, what if it's them? One side of her tells her to call someone and the other encourages her to see who were out there. After a minute of contemplating, she tales the latter. Who would she call at this hour anyway? Slowly, she went behind a wall that's beside the stairs and takes a peek once again. No matter how you look at it, Chaeyoung felt as if she's in a thriller movie.

"Come on, we don't have much time," A grumpy toned voice said. A sigh of relief comes out her lips. So she was correct. Chaeyoung walks down the stairs while holding her heaving chest. There stood Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook who seemed like they are going out. The youngest raises a brow on the girl who looked like she ran a marathon. Drama queen, he thinks to himself.

"You all scared me! I thought... you were... intruders...,"  Chaeyoung exclamation trailed off as a pen whose ink is about to wear out. She glances the keys they are holding respectively as her eyebrows narrows. "Where are you guys going?"

"None of your business," Responded Jimin coldly. The girl's eyes rolled then she crosses her arms.

"For your information, I'm about to go shopping. If all of us leaves, Sooyoung will be left alone here," Chaeyoung retorted with her brow still raised. Not that she really cares what happens to the said girl. She just wanted to know what they're up to. Also, there is an unspoken rule that the people who lives in the house suddenly came up with when it comes to being alone and Sooyoung. That is, never leave her alone.

"Since when did you get a soft spot for Sooyoung?" Asked Jungkook with a smirk which earned a scowl from her.

"Whatever! I'm leaving if you don't tell me where you're going," Chaeyoung says stubbornly. The oldest, Jimin, couldn't help but sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose out of annoyance. As if that'll affect Chaeyoung. Being irritating and childish are her traits. It's how she always gets her way.

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