10 ✶ I'm So Badass

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Gakuto was placed in the man's bedroom to rest until he woke up while you, Shishido and Choutarou were sitting at the table in the other room, waiting for the large man to return with the tea he had gone to prepare.

"Is it really okay to trust this guy?" Choutarou whispered, looking between his two senpais that sat beside and in front of him at the large round table.

"He hasn't given us any reason not to," Shishido responded with a shrug, leaning back in his chair with his hands folded behind his head.

"'ere we are," the man reentered the room, setting down the tray that held the small green cups of tea. He placed one in front of each of the students before taking a seat across from you and between the two boys. "Sorry if I scared ya. Didn't 'spect no kids to be lurkin' 'round the forest this late at night,"

You shrugged in response, a grin on your lips. "They are just little kids. It's only natural that they'd be afraid,"

Shishido glared at the insult, having the strong urge to step on your foot under the table, but he couldn't deny the fact that he had been scared, even if it was just a small, barely noticeable amount.

"I'm impressed, senpai." Choutarou smiled at you. "You weren't afraid at all?"

You shook your head and shrugged again. "Nah. Things like that don't scare me,"

"Why's that?"

Your grin morphed into a smirk as you leaned back in the chair, the front legs hovering above the ground. "It's because I'm just so badass,

Shishido scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from you. "What a load of crap,"

"Coming from the scared little boy,"

"I was not scared!" he growled, slamming his hands down on the table as he stood, his chair scraping across the wooden floor.

"No shame, Shishido." you grinned, standing up and patting his hat covered head. "Kids get scared easily,"

"S-Shishido-san... Y-Y/N-senpai..." Choutarou stood as well, glancing between his two senpais as you shared a glare; yours was mocking and playful while Shishido's was heated and annoyed.

The glaring contest was broken, however, when the man – who you still did not know the name of – burst out laughing, holding his large belly and throwing his head back. You and Shishido blinked in surprise, staring at the man as if he had just grown another head.

"I think it's 'retty damn cool, how close ya two 're. Ya seem to 'ave a 'retty strong bond!" He smiled warmly as he looked at the pair of you.

You exchanged a glance with one another before shrugging and sitting back down, earning a relieved sigh from Choutarou who followed suit.

"Ya almost like bro'er and sis'er. Arguin' one min'te and then best frie'ds the ne'xt,"

"I don't recall ever being her friend, period. Definitely not a best friend," Shishido muttered, folding his arms and looking to the side with a scowl on his face.

"What's your name, anyway?" you questioned, leaning the chair back again, your hand on the table to keep you steady. "And what were you doin' out in the woods so late?"

"The name's Harley. I was choppin' some wood for meh fireplace," he responded with a grin, motioning towards the fireplace that sat behind you.

You glanced over your shoulder, eyes landing on the crackling flames. "Makes sense,"

A small window of silence appeared over the group.

"Alright, then." You suddenly stood up, sticking your hands into your pockets. "We should be getting back. Shishido, you can carry the moron, right?"

He scowled at you, standing up and walking into the bedroom where the redhead was still unconscious, a nice sized bump on his forehead.

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