Day One

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The moon looms high overhead as a band of sky pirates sail the sea of clouds. The crew is asleep and only the captain is awake in his office writing of the days adventure in the ships' log. The ship itself is pretty standard with three floors and an upper deck. But hiding in the lowest deck taking up a small portion of the entire floor is a room that is forbidden to enter. The cyro-chamber room. Inside this cryo-chamber room is a person cryogenically frozen. Trapped since before the current captain of the ship had succeded in his attempt at mutiny. The captain puts the ships log away and goes to his bed thinking that his ship is safe up the sky. But little did he know he was only hours away from losing his ship.

Kareina appears on the top deck of the ship in a flash of fire, leaving a flame-patterned scorch mark on deck. "Oops..." She sneaks down to the lowest deck, and seeing the locked room on the other end of the deck gets curious. She walks quietly to the door and curses under her breath- the door is locked. She goes back to the upper deck and finds the Captain's quarters. "I really wish I had a thief with me..." Little does she know, she is about to meet one. She steals the keys from the captain and hurries back down to the locked door, eager to find out what is held inside. The key clicks softly in the lock. The door swings open and she sees inside 6 really high-tech cryosleepers, one with a person inside. "Daaaaaang! Those are nice!" She becomes curious about who is inside the full cryosleeper. She goes around back and flips the lever to release the prisoner from his frozen state.A loud hiss filled the room as the cryo-sleeper opened, letting out a thick frozen fog that filled the room before dissipating. Inside the cryo-sleeper was a boy with cat ears, clutching an ancient book to his chest and wearing nothing. He was stark naked as he fell out the vertical tube and onto the floor with a thud. His skin was a tinted shade of blue from being frozen for so long. It was a wonder he wasn't dead. Kareina looks away quickly, startled and feeling rather awkward. "We should probably get you some clothes, cat boy..." Kareina summons a small, harmless ball of purple fire to warm the cat boy up.A few moments go by and his skin returns to its normal pigmentation.

He sits up sucks in a large breath of air and begins coughing. A few more moments go by and he finished coughing. "Man.... What sort of animal cruelty did they put me through?" he wonders. He notices Kareina and his lack of clothing. He quickly places his book across his lap and turns his body away from her. Silence fills the room and he decides to speak to her. "Did you let me out?" 

"Yeah.... Um- is there anything we can do to get you some clothing?" She has a sudden idea. Be right back. Kareina dashes out the door and up to the ship's quarters, and quickly snatches some clothes she judges to be about Cat Boy's size, then rushes back down to the cryosleeper cells. She pauses at the door and opens it a crack, then tosses the clothes inside. "Get dressed and then come get me, okay?" 

He examines the clothes Kareina tossed him. It's a pair of black pants with two extra pockets going down the outside of each leg, a blue long sleeved shirt, and a dark grey cloak. He puts them on and examines himself in the glass of an empty cryo-sleeper. "I like this look. It's very... Relaxed..." Satisfied with his look, he goes outside in search of Kareina.

He finds Kareina waiting impatiently just outside the door. At the sound of the door opening she turns, and gets her first real look at Cat Boy. "I like that look on you. It works. Now I think I need to learn your name, unless you want me to keep calling you Cat Boy." She grins at him. 

"I have been called worse." He smiles. "I'm Ichicuro. I suggest you tell me your name as well." He begins looking around the bottom floor of the ship, clearly interested in where he is.

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