She's In Love (Hanzo | Hanabi)

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He stands out in the crowd because of his red hair. He got this gangster demeanor and vibe around him that most students keep their distance away from him.

"Are you okay with that? They're treating you like a bad guy!" Argus said.

They're currently at the rooftop of their school since it's lunch break.

"What's the big deal?" Hanzo asked, "It's much better this way. They stay out of my way, less hassle."

"But no one wants to adopt us during groupworks! We always end up being paired which is so, so, so annoying! I can not even get close to Lunox!" Argus whined.

Hanzo simply shrugged as he stared down the field where his classmates are currently playing soccer.

"If you want to be close with her, ask her out on a date," Hanzo finally said before turning his back and left.

"I couldn't even get close to her!" Argus continued to complain. "Whenever she sees me, she'd get all defensive and timid and she keeps looking away from me!"

"Ask her out on a date, I said," Hanzo said before entering their room.

It is noisy but when they saw him enter, everyone shuts up and sits down properly. But it suddenlh turned rowdy again when Hayabusa came greeting them.

He seemed to be the star in their school. He always has the spotlight on him and overpowers the presence of others.

"Who wants to play games after school?!" he shouted.

"Me!" everyone replied except Hanzo.

"No one shall dare go home. It'll be our last game since we'll be graduating soon," Hayabusa said which made his classmates make some noise.

"It's already time for class, shut it!" Hanabi announced, she's the class secretary and everyone admires her.


"You'll be graduating and be in college. You ought to think maturely  and grow up into responsible adults," their homeroom teacher said before leaving.

Time flew so fast and their class has finally finished. The door was banged close and before anyone could even stand, Hayabusa raised some red blinfolds and swayed it in circles.

"Time for the game! Time for the game!" he shouted which made the class lively.

Hanabi smiled at him for he nwver fails to keep everyone hyped up. Hayabusa smiled back at her which made her blush.

"Did you see that? Did you see that?" Argus whispered at Hanzo as he keeps his eyes on both Hanabi and Hayabusa.

"Don't really care," Hanzo yawned. "Wake me up if we're allowed to go home."

"So here's the mechanics of the game," Hayabusa started. He brought out a fish bowl filled with paper and showed it to the class. "In this bowl, our names are listed in each paper. First, the girls shall pick a paper and the one who was picked shall be blindfolded. Then, the second pick shall be done by the boys. Whoever is picked shall do something to the blindfolded one. May it be confessing of love, regret, sorry or inspirational talk, it all depends on you."

"Let me pick first!" Kimmy volunteered.

"Sure thing," Hayabusa said as he laid the bowl on her table.

Kimmy mixed up the papers and looked at everyone with a crooked grin. She got one paper and raised it.

"The lucky person is none other than.." Kimmy paused for a while and read the paper. Her grin turned into a smile and showed the paper to everyone. "Hanabi!"

Everyone clapped and banged their table in excitement as Hayabusa blindfolded Hanabi in front of their class.

"Guys, you've got to be quiet so Hanabi would not easily guess who the next person be," Hayabusa reminded which they had agreed to.

"Let me pick!" Claude volunteered as he put his hand immediately into the bowl and picked the paper which is on the bottom.

He smiled wide as he read the paper and went near Hanzo who is having his nap. He tapped his shoulder and grinned.

"Your time to shine, buddy," he whispered.

Everyone gulped in fear for Hanzo might turn hysterical. But the red-haired guy simply grabbed his bag and walked towards Hanabi who is curious on what's happening.

They all stared at Hanzo who stood across Hanabi. Hayabusa suddenly felt something wrong but he chose to ignore it.

"He doesn't like Hanabi, he wouldn't kiss her or something," he thought.

But the next thing happened left everyone astounded ans shocked.

"What the hell?!" Hanabi panicked, "Is this Hayabusa?!"

Hanzo just kissed her and before he moves away, he licked her lower lip which made Hanabi's face beet red.

Hanzo, then, faced everyone and shrugged. He waved goodbye before leaving the room, leaving Hanabi still in the state of shock.

"Did he just do that?" Argus asked as he wipe his eyes with his hands.

"That wasn't an illusion, right?" Lunox asked everyone.

Hanabi took off her blindfold and stared at her classmates with confusion plastered on her face. She faced Hayabusa, hoping that he'd explain what happened. But all she got from him is a forceful smile with his eyes full of sadness.

Hayabusa, for the first time, emits the downgraded vibe as he walks out the room.

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