MLBB Academy: Wind&Fire

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"Flaming skateboard!"

Valir swifts past through the crowd in the cafeteria while the other heroes are watching the fight of the little heroes in the academy.

"Watch it, you fiery ass!" Vale yelled in anger for he almost burned his silver hair.

Riding on his skateboard that is on fire, Valir halted in midair and faced Vale with a grin plastered on his face.

"Don't get too worked up with your sorry ass, mate," he replied and threw a ball of fire right towards his half-brother.

Vale swings his arm and a blade of wind cancelled the fire. Thinking that it was just that, Valir did not foresee that his skateboard disappeared as well.

"You really get in my nerves, you white-haired old man!" Valir yelled as he motioned his hands like he is about to shoot an arrow. An arrow and a bow made of fire appeared and upon releasing the arrow that is meant for Vale, the wind mage sets off the fire with a shield of whirling wind.

"Hey, you two better stop that childish rivalry!" Lunox demanded for if they continue to fight, the academy would be damaged like the last time they fought.

Despite the interruption of Zodiac Master Libra, the two did not stop.

"Hellish fire storm!" Valir yelled confidently with his arm raised.

"Wind maelstrom!" Vale chanted.

"You'll pay for this, you bastards!" Layla screamed while holding her skirt down before the wind could blow it up.

"Damn it!" Cyclops yelled as he is lifted to the air and has been dragged into the swirling wind.

"Void Strike!" Lunox chanted and her power of cancellation rippled inside the cafeteria. The place is surrounded by golden little orbs that absorb any kind of magic.

Valir and Vale who are on midair are about to attack each other in full force yet before their fists could land, Zodiac Master Taurus appeared before them. Before they could even react, Taurus Minotaur whacked them with his hammer without hesitation and had them thrown to the ground.

"You two are nothing but a headache," he gruffed as he walked towards them with every step shaking the building.

"I shall bring them to the Disciplinary Building," Lunox said as she dragged the two using a golden whip that limits the powers of heroes.

"This is all your fault!" Valir grunted at his half-brother.

"Blame your rotten ass!" Vale hissed and banged his head on his rival.

"Shut the hell up or I'll make you into a conjoined twins like what I did to Alucard and Gusion during their first year here," Lunox warned the two of them.

And such threat was a success for Valir and Vale knew too well that their seniors, Alucard and Gusion, had been through a hellish experience for a week as conjoined twins.

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