Chapter 1

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Humans believe that they are the most intelligent, all seeing, all knowing, most powerful beings in the world. Some individuals may even believe that they are the greatest beings in the whole universe. Yes, they are advanced. Yes, they have technology far beyond any creature. But by crafting their way  through this world, relying only on the metal machinery they were never meant to create in the first place, humans have become oblivious to the true nature of the earth. Through boundless knowledge, ignorance is born. Humanity has blocked itself out, blinding itself from the magical realm that is right next to them, and always has been. Of course, the little girl still believes that she sees faeries dancing in the garden, singing and flying around, spreading joy and faery dust. But this vision couldn’t be farther from the truth. If this is the magic that humans envision, then perhaps they are better off not knowing the truth. Because if they knew the ominous reality that the magical realm really is, then they would run, and run, and try to forget everything they knew. For magic, in its darkest form, can be the most cryptic , and sinister force on the earth.

Lilium Nightingale flew through the forest as if she was one with the wind that whooshed through the leaves. She was happiest when she was in flight, away from the strict regime of the Faery’s Hollow. Freedom was restricted at the Hollow, and Lilium longed for the day when she no longer had to confine to the harsh rules. Only then would she be truly liberated. The Moon was beginning to emerge over the trees. She would need to return to the Hollow soon.  And she wanted to be back in her cradle before anybody awoke, and realised that she had vanished once again. She hated their questions. Where had she been, what had she been doing, all invading her personal space.  Shifting her body, she turned around and started the short  journey back.

Her tiny form  slipped through the entrance easily. Faeries could enter the hollow at will, however there was a protection spell guarding it from other creatures. She drifted through the branches, to her cradle, as quiet as she could manage. Here she would wait for a while. Nightfaeries were nocturnal creatures, unlike most faeries. They  did not associate with the other species of fae.

Hopefully Hybris Foxglove would be returning tonight. She was Lilium’s closest friend, and she had went on a quest the day earlier, to see if the rumours had been true. Word had gotten to the Hollow that there was a group of Poxies nearby. Poxies were extremely dangerous, and Hybris being skilled as she was, had volunteered to find them and hunt them down before they could get close to the Hollow. Lilium had wanted to go too, but the Queen had ordered she stay at the Hollow, in case there was an attack. Lilium and Hybris were two of the few fully trained Warrior faeries in the Hollow, and they were very valuable. They had to stay until more faeries were trained, but after that they would be allowed to leave permanently, and either survive solo or start their own clan. It would only be a matter of time now.

As the darkness fully settled on the earth, Lilium rose from her cradle and made her way to the royal chamber. It was her duty as a warrior to see the Queen every dusk, and ask if anything was needed of her. Usually, there was nothing, and she was assigned to dull guard duty. She didn't understand why they needed  guard when there was a protection spell.  She entered the chamber, and bowed graciously. The chamber appeared to be empty, as always. The Queen was always hidden, never to be seen. She was only ever heard. But she was always watching, from where nobody knew. Most likely an enchanted, invisible chamber in the Hollow.

“Your majesty.” Lilium started. “I am present.” The Queen’s voice echoed through the chamber. She sounded old, and incredibly worn, “Lilium Nightingale, the Warrior. Speak.” 

“Your Highness. I am here to ask if there is anything you require of me this night.”
The chamber remained quiet for a moment. The Queen was thinking. After a while, she said,

“Lilium. You have proved to be a strong, intelligent, and independent member of the Hollow.”

Well this was certainly different. Usually, it was just Guard duty again. What could the Queen have in mind? “Lilium, as you are aware, Poxies are appearing more and more. And we need more faeries who are skilled enough to fight them. We need more faeries to be trained.” Oh no, it couldn’t be… Surely the Queen was not going to suggest that Lilium become a trainer? Training a faery fully could take years, and that would tie Lilium down for another few years, which she could not have. She was preparing to leave soon. The Queen continued, “A young faery by the name of Inanna is keen to become a warrior. And I, as Queen, assign you Lilium Nightingale, to take up post as her trainer.”
This could not be true, Lilium would not become a trainer. She had no interest, nor did she want to train a faery. And the Queen had not even consulted her before assigning her? No, she would refuse, she had to. “With all due respect your Highness… I have no desire or interest in training a faery. I have no compassion for the younger fae of the Hollow, I barely even socialize with the other’s my age.  You said I am independent, and rightly so. I’m afraid, your Majesty that I shall… Have no choice but to refuse your request.”

The chamber was quiet for what seemed like the longest time.  Had she angered the Queen? Lilium had never denied the Queen’s requests, but she could not take in open herself to train someone when she would be free soon otherwise.

“Lilium. I did not ask whether it was ok with you. I am ordering you, Warrior. You MUST train this youngling.”

Lilium was angered by this, “Your Majesty! I cannot abide by your request, I apologize profusely, but this is something that I insist on. I have never denied you before your Highness, and that you know. I will do anything else you wish of me, but I will not train this youngling. I cannot.” There was another pause. What had she done? She knew she should never speak to her Queen like this. But she was far too angry to think rationally.
 “If you refuse to take it on….  So be it. But I will be revoking all of your rights as a Warrior. Your late evening flights will be forbidden from here on, and you will never leave this Hollow again until you accept that I, as your Queen, am above you, and it is I who makes decisions, not you. Listen carefully Warrior,” She said, full of frustration, “You either take on young Inanna as an apprentice. Or you never leave the Hollow again. Am I clear?” Had Lilium heard the Queen correctly? Never had she heard the Queen so agitated, she never punished Lilium like this. She stood rooted to the spot, not sure what she should say. Her anger subsided, and changed into nervousness and fear. Never leave the Hollow again? Be stuck in this weed of a tree for the rest of her life? She would nearly rather be lost to the poxies than never leave the Hollow again. Nearly. Nothing could be as bad as the poxies…

 “I will ask you again, this time I pray to the Goddess that you will reconsider.” She was being patronizing this time. Lilium had never seen this side of the Queen before. But she had also never disobeyed the Queen. “Lilium Nightingale, I assign you to train young Inanna in the skills and powers of the Warrior. You will see that she matures, and becomes a powerful Warrior, so that someday she may offer her services to the Hollow. Am I understood?” This was it. Now she had no choice. Either prolong her freedom for a few years, or never be guaranteed freedom again. Right now, Lilium felt nothing but numbness, but she knew the anger would return once she left. Shaking, and begrudgingly, Lilium said, “Yes, your majesty.”

“Yes, what?” The Queen chastised.
“Yes, I will train Inanna, my Queen.”

“Good, Warrior. She will be very pleased.” But I’m not thought Lilium. “Wait here, and I shall summon her.”

 A young faery fluttered into the chamber. Upon seeing Lilium, her eyes lit up. She knew what this must have meant.  “Young Inanna. Warrior Lilium Nightingale has agreed to train you in the skills that she knows. ” Lilium’s eyes turned venomous ,forced to, more like. But Inanna did not notice, she was too excited. “Lilium. You and Inanna may now leave. Be sure to train her well.” Lilium looked to Inanna and gestured for them both to leave. “Thank you, great Queen.” Said Inanna. Both faeries left the Queens chamber, one feeling happiness and excitement, and once feeling annoyed beyond belief.

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