Silent Fears The Goblin King

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           Surrounded by an endless darkness we hear him breath

We wait

An echoing sob, a cry, rebounds of the grey brick walls

She's next

           It's cold, so cold in our tiny cells, we cannot breath

We cannot move, our wrists burn and freeze

We wait

 We hear a rattle of keys, a creaking door, silence

A scream

She's next

           An evil heartless laugh and all is still

We wait

We cannot bear the quiet, to cry silent tears

As we wait, wait for our turn

She's gone

           We go through endless tourture, the pain is almost gone

And he prepares to strike anew

We wait

We do not scream, for if we do we die

Who's next?

           No pattern, just soon, we know, one shall go

And not return

The Goblin King has told us so

Who's next?

~~~Thanks for reading! \(^o^)/ please comment what you thought. ~mockingjaysong<3~~~

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