Flying and drama don't mix especially when your father is a teacher

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Today was my first time on a broom and I was excited my hair turned a light blue. I had flying lessons with Madam Hootch. Everything was good till I see Ryder pick something up and throw it to one of his friends but I was able to get it back because of my fast flying. My Mythology professor saw my flying. When he came outside and called my name, I thought I was being expelled, but we walked to my dad's classroom. My hair turned green, I was terrified, so my professor asked for Oliver Wood Jr.

"I have found you a chaser!" My professor said.

I said "WHAT!?!?!?!?"

"I'll come and get you later today to answer any questions you may have, ok?"

" She will also be your back-up seeker."

" Again WHAT!?!?!?!"

" Back to class Mr. Wood"

At this point I was super confused my hair looked as bright as a traffic cone. So after that fiasco, I went for a run and started singing to myself.

I always enjoyed singing. What I didn't know was that I was being followed by, not one, not two but three guys, and they heard me singing and as I started to head back to castle they pretended to be out for a run. The three guys were Carter, Minho, and Teddy. 'Great' I thought.

The next day Oliver and I were carrying a chest just like our dads did when my dad made the quidditch in his first year.

 (basically exactly like the vid but I'm back up Seeker and a Chaser.) I later found out that my mom was a chaser for her quidditch team.

************TIME SKIP*****************

It was the night before my first Quittich game and I was asleep. Then my dream turned from a dream about Minho and I dating to Minho turned into this creature black eyes and ripping flesh. Then before I knew what was happening Minho attacks me and starts choking me. my vision becomes blotchy, the last thing I see before everything goes dark is Minho crying over what he did. I bolted up, in a cold sweat, my hair was white and my eyes were white as well. So I walked down into the Gryffindor common room and sat in front of the fire when I heard someone coming downstairs and it was Minho. Yay!

" Hey what are you doing up?"

" Had a nightmare."

" You wanna talk about it?"

" Thanks but no."

" Oh ok hey Baylee..."


The next thing I know his lips are touching mine. Fireworks is all I can say. Then when the kiss broke he said:" I'm in love with you Baylee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I just sat there and said nothing just craving another kiss from him. So I kissed him! When we came out of the second kiss my hair and eyes were purple. We sat there till I fell asleep in his arms around me! When I woke up the next morning, I was in my bed inside my dorm. Minho carried me all the way up the stairs. "Man I'm in love with that boy!". " Shoot I'm late for Charms... Wait today is the Quittich match !!!!!!!!" What am I going to do about Minho, I mean I do love him but I don't know how to act around now." WHY ARE GUYS SO CONFUSING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

***************The next morning*********************

It's the day of the first match, as I walk through the Great hall everyone is wishing me luck. at first, I'm so confused, my eyes went orange. And then I remember today is the first game. And then Minho comes up and kisses my cheek.

"Morning princess," Minho says, if my face wasn't red before it is now and not a normal blushing red, a bright tomato red.

"Morning" still in shock. As my memory has it I remember what happened last night, "I kissed Minho! I freaking kissed MINHO! I KISSED MINHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". So I start eating breakfast when Wood comes up to me and says " We need you to be our seeker for this match." So I had just taken a drink of pumpkin juice when he told me and I started chocking. And guess who came over to make sure I was okay. It wasn't Minho it was Christian Longbottom Neville and Luna's son. On my way back to my dorm to get ready for the match, I ran into someone from Slytherin house. and I was waiting for them to say something like " Watch where your going Potter" but instead I got," Are you okay Baylee?" At first, I was shocked cause I had never seen a Slytherin a.) with a book reading it. b) being nice to me and c) with red hair. I ended up saying " Ya, no broken bones" she seemed she had finally let go of the breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

"What's your name?"
"Ruby Winter Pure-blood!" she said with a BIG smile.

****************after the match (Gryffindor won with 180 points to 30 against Slytherin)********

So I was on my way to Greek myth class when out of the blue Minho comes up to me and kissed me like so:

Then he says the 5 words every girl wants to hear:" Will you be my girlfriend?" As much as  I wanted to say yes, I thought back to this morning when I was chocking he didn't come to my rescue, so I said" Where were you this morning when I needed y...

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Then he says the 5 words every girl wants to hear:" Will you be my girlfriend?" As much as I wanted to say yes, I thought back to this morning when I was chocking he didn't come to my rescue, so I said" Where were you this morning when I needed you? That's what I thought! I'm sorry but NO!!!" his face was frozen with shock cause no girl has ever turned him down. After that incident and my Father seeing the kiss, I RAN and kept running, before running into Ruby, who saw me crying, asked me who made me cry. All I could say was "Minho" and before I could stop her he walked right up to Minho and then she does this:

 All I could say was "Minho"  and before I could stop her he walked right up to Minho and then she does this:

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Saying "Make one of my friends cry again I'll do more than break your face!!! TRY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!". I just stood there jaw dropped. As my Dad thanked Ruby for doing what he couldn't do as a teacher.

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