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Russia pov
"I'm bored!" I said.
"Not my problem." Germany
"Lets do something!" I said. "Like what?" Germany asked "Lets go to the Cafe!" I said.
"Sure why not!" He said. He got ready and we walked out of the dorms. We walked and talked about life. But I was still questioning why would Poland make Germany cry? They were friends . Best friends. Close friends. Hearing that Poland and Germany were close friends made me mad. Now that Germany and Poland had a fight maybe I had a chance! Then my phone buzzed. I took it out and it was from Ame.
Help me plz
What now.
What do you mean
He is mad at me for dating China!
I need you to come now
My dad is scared of you since you know your dad
I can't.
Why not?!
I'm with Germany!
Just say you you need to go somewhere and ye.
Ugh fine
"Hey Germany...." I said.
"Yea?" He said.
"I'll be back." I said.
"Oh ok!" He said. I left and ran Ames house. He opened the door. I stepped in.
"Britain." I said. He stared at me. And then left the room. France then came.
"Thank you Russia I can't control My "husband"." She said.
"Oh it's ok." I said as China stood up. Then Canada came in with Ukraine. They walked past us. Hm I thought Canada was dating Mexico? Well they might have wanted to hang out with other people? Any way I ran back to the Cafe and saw Poland talking to Germany.
"Leave me alone!" Germany said.
"You don't want to be my friend and Why should I care if you are the one who wanted to end our friendship just leave me alone I don't want to talk to you!" He screamed at him. Poland kissed him. He saw me. "R-Russland!" Germany said. "Um I will just leave." I said. I ran to our dorm and locked my bed room door. I just stood there no emotions. I laid down.
I heard knocking. I knew it was Germany. But I heard a familiar voice and it wasn't Germany.
"Hey Russia it me.... Mexico." He said. I instantly stood up and opened the door and Mexico came in.
"What's wrong? Why did you come to me? Why didn't you go to Canada?" I said worried "I-Is it wrong to like 2 people at the same time?" He asked me. I was shocked Mexico likes someone else and it isn't Canada?!
"Um in my opinion. I don't think it is bad unless you are dating the person?" I said.
"Ugh I knew it!" He said almost crying.
"Why?" I asked him.
"It's because. I like Chile but I also like Canada and you know I was going to tell him to be official!" He said.
"But who do you have more feelings for?" I said.
"In all honesty....... I kind of like Chile better I mean I know I kissed Canada but that wasn't my first kiss it may have been Canadas but it wasn't mine because my first kiss was Chile!" He said. "Mexico just tell Canada how you don't want a relationship with him if he tries to confess to you." I said.
"I know that is what I'm going to say. And he has Ukraine. Your sister!" He said what he said left me shocked
"But why!" I said.
"He will be happier without me!" He said.
"I-I'm sorry to bother you I'm going to the office." Mexico said.
"Why?" I asked.
"To switch dorms..." He said.
"Since when where you switching dorms?!" I said.
"Since today since me and Canada agreed to move to different dorms. He is staying I am moving out to Chile's dorm." He said. I hugged him.
"I'm sorry for my sister!" I said.
"It isn't your sisters fault!" He told me
"I hope you are happy with your new relationship Mexico." I said. He smiled and left. I was mad at Ukraine but she liked Canada for a long time and it was her chance but Canada didn't notice that she like him. I was sure there relationship wouldn't last long. Ukraine is mean. Canada is Polite,Nice. I heard yelling it was Canada and Mexico.
"Let me get my god damn clothes!" He yelled.
"No!" Canada yelled. I stepped outside and glared at Canada.
"Let. Me. Fucking. Inside!" He yelled.
"Ok!" Canada yelled. Ukraine was waiting near the door. Mexico was done he flipped Ukraine and Canada off. It made me smile and giggle. He entered the room. (Left of Russia is Mexico and Chile and to his right is Canada and Ukraine) He was talking to him.
"Thank you for." Mexico said I couldn't hear the rest.
"No problem." Chile said.
"D-did you k-kiss me." Mexico said. I laughed.
"Did you hear what I said!" Mexico said.
"God that was hilarious." I laughed. Chile stared at me he was red.
"AHhHHh I hate you Russia!" He said.
"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss!" I said over and over again. They kissed. Infront of Canada and Ukraine they were holding hands Ukraine had Canadas hat thinger. Mexico saw them but continued to kiss Chile.
"I love you!" Mexico said to Chile.
"I love you too." Chile said. Canada was taking his time walking. I squealed.
"You guys are the perfect couple!" I said. They blushed It made Canada made and he walked out of there with a diffrent pace.
Canada pov
I still love Mexico but we can't be together it just doesn't feel right so I went with Ukraine. I knew it wasn't the best way to deal the situation me and Mexico were in. I took Ukraine to a restaurant.
"Canada." She said
"Yea?" I said
"Do you really like me or are you only doing this to make Mexico jealous." Ukraine said "Uki....." I said.
"I need to leave I'll see you tomorrow or in the dorms." I said.
"Oh ok!" She said
I walked all the way to our dorm thinking about what just happened today with Mexico. One week we were fine the next thing you know is that we hate each other. Just because Mexico found a new lover! Before I knew it I skipped the School and ended somewhere else that I didn't recognize. I pulled out my phone and turned on the flash it was a park.... The park where I met Mexico.
"Hola!" Mexico said.
"H-hi." I said. Holding onto America.
"Wait aren't you Mexico!" Ame said.

"Sí!" He said.
"And you are Canada right!" Mexico said
"Y-yes..." I said.
"Mexico!" Chile said
"Si wey!" Mexico said.
"Lets go!" Chile said grabbing Mexico hand.
"Bye Guysss!" Mexico as Chile was grabbing his hand. And talking to him.
Good days.......
I wonder what if Mexico and Chile never met. Will I be with Mexi?
Hmmm probably not since we were friends only... Maybe I should just move on and not think of him. He has moved on. So I should do the same thing but just not being with someone that I don't really love... Maybe I should just move out of the dorm and to a new house. I look around to see anybody around I see a street light and walk towards it I walk for 20 mins I think. Until my phone rang. (America) I Answer it.
Where are you?!
I'm going to the dorm just wait.
Where are you right now?
In a neighborhood?
Oh Do you know where the neighborhood is?
No I was daydreaming....
About what
Um Mexico.....
Aren't you over?
Yea but I just can't....
So what are you going to do?
Move to a house
Oh ok
Ok I'm here
Dude pack your stuff up and hurry I'm distracting Ukraine.
Oh ok!
I ran to my dorm unlocked it and got a suitcase but my clothes and stuff there. I got out and saw Mexico and Chile. I walked faster. Mexico saw me.
I was happy to be outside. Then hands touched my shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Mexico asked.
"Um moving to my new house?" I said.
"So are we good?" He asked me.
"Oh yea we're fine!" I said.
"Ok!" Mexico said before heading inside. Ok... I escaped him now just got to make it home. I ran to my new home. I turned on the lights. It's pretty. I close my door. I go to a room. I put my stuff away. Put my clock at 5:00 am to put my stuff away and buy food and furniture. I go to sleep. I here knocking. I get up and walk down stairs. I opened the door and saw

I am tired but .,. Who cares.

(It's 1;50 am when I did this so ye.)

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