Episode1:a new adventure

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In the american,there is a house inside of the house had a young man,he are packing his stuff for going somewhere,and this young man is none other than kit taylor

Kit:checking his stuff to see that haven't he left something,after that he sit down on the counch take something from his jackets is a picture of his chilldhood with him is a chilld girls he play with her for a long time,he begin remember his past and how he meet her,then someone knock the door is his dad fank taylor,kit put the pictures in his jackets "hey dad!"he greet his dad

Fank: "hey kiddo i come here to tell to you that good luck to find her son"he come sit down next to kit

Kit: "thank dad!i don't know how she is now it been 10 years since we left the towns and left her too"

Fank: "hey don't be sad i sure she will okay son"he cheerd kit up

Kit: "thanks dad!"he thank his father

Fank: "beside i hoping that girls will be yours girlfriend"he teasing kit

Kit:smile: "dad come on she just a friend of mine that's all we not a couple"

Fank: "someday son someday!"

Kit:stand up walk to his vail,he grab it he about going out but he turn back to his father "dad if you see my friend tell them that i going to someplace"he open the door,he walk to his motobike he tied his vali he hop in wearing a helment star the engiens and ride to the airport

Somewhere eles in the peacfull place there was a man he are meditate,this is master eubulon also know as advent master,he is the one make advent deck to his student to become kamen rider fighting,protecting innocenet people for ventara and earth,not only that he also a alien he from the plane name karsh,now earth and ventara is his new home,eubulon see a vision a vision is nothing like he always see,no this is something else,it in the earth,he see a war between a people have wing and black wing and people with the horns he wondering what is going on,eubulon back from his visions

Eubulon: "van!"he look at his student a black man name van also know as kamen rider camo

Van:come to his master "what is it master?"

Eubulon: "gather all rider in no-men base i have something to talk with them"he order van gather other rider to a meeting

Van: "yes master!"he going call all rider

Eubulon stand up he felling that this looks like a war between something and right now they need to be stop it he walking to the no-men base
All rider had gather in they base,there had len(kamen rider wing knight),kase(kamen rider siren),chance(kamen rider torque),pryce(kamen rider strike),ian(kamen rider incisor),cameron(kamen rider thrust),chase(kamen rider spear),hunt(kamen rider axe),nolan(kamen rider warths),quinn(kamen rider sting),and finally van(kamen rider camo) they all gather here becaues eubulon want to talk with them,eubulon have come,all rider bow

Eubulon: "i want to meet you all becaues we have a situations"all rider wondering what is that situations

Len: "what is that situations master?"

Eubulon: "i don't know but i fell like it belong here,in somewhere,i see a vision a war between something a white wing,black wing and the horns,we don't know what is that but whatever that is we must stop it"he notice that there is no kit "have everyone see kit?"all rider don't know where he are

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