Episode 3:enter school!the meet between rhino and holy maiden

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On the the top of buliding dragon knights and axe are walking circle untill they charges each other,dragon knight try to round house kick but axe duck it he punch dragon knights gut and kick him make him stumbles,axe use his weapon visor charges dragon kinght roll aways he stand up punching axe face two time and round house kick make axe on the ground,but axe have something for dragon knight(attack vent) destwilder attack dragon kinght make him on the ground axe stand up

Dragon knight:look at axe "hey no fair hunt"he point axe and he is anger

Axe: "what did i do?"

Dragon knight:stand up "you just use advent beast to attack me that is no fair"

Axe: "well yours enemy will do that if you don't carefull"he turn back "ok chance and quinn you guys on"he look at torque and sting

Torques: "you got it hunt!lets go quinn"he look at sting and walking

Sting: "yeah lets go!bet 50 bucks!i will takes you down"he follow torques and they facing each other they training

Torques: "you on!"he prepare to figthing and so does sting,they charges fighting

Dragon knight:seem to be tired "uh!hey ian did hunt all ways like training?"he asked incisor

Incisor: "yeah!he like training,becaues he see that is good thing"

Dragon knight: "haven't he relax before?"

Incisor: "nope he never relax"he back watching the fight of torques and sting

Dragon knight:look at axe as his are watching his homeworld "seem like that guys like fighting more than rest"he watching the the fight

Thrust are thinking something is about asia he fell something about her outside of her is a navie girls,kind woman he never meet but inside he fell a that she have a bad memory

Spear:look at thrust "hey you okay!"

Thrust:back to reality "yeah i okay bros!is just...?"

Spear: "is just what?"

Thrust: "nothing!never mind about that"

Spears: "uh okay!"he back watching the fight

Thrust is keep thinking about asia

The rider back to they own base it somewhere in japan,they cancel the transformations back to they human forms,they sit down on the chair and resting

Kit: "man this training it really early don't you guys think?"he grabs his water bottles drinking it

Chance: "yeah i think it really early but it good too"

Ian: "yep i argee that training like a hard work to us after all"

Kit:smile a little "guest you guy said rights"he drank the water

Chase:look at his brother "so brother what is our mission is?"

Hunt:look at his fellow rider and thinking that he and his fellow rider going to the devil all ways come that is  school "we going to the school as they use it as the cover"

Chance: "wait they school?"he look at chase "i thought that devil don't go to school what should i call them devil student"he laughed and fist bump with chase

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